- 19.02.2014
- 100943 Просмотра
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The Art Law Group - A Bay Area law firm dedicated to providing innovative, practical advice to clients with arts, entertainment, technology and other intellectual property related issues.
Thomas D. Foster, APC - San Diego intellectual property law firm specializing in the fields of biotechnology, electrical engineering, chemical technologies, computer science, mechanical engineering and medicine.
Tim J. Lane, Esq. - Focusing on patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and technology transactions.
Trojan Law Offices - Beverly Hills firm specializing in patents, trademarks, trade secrets and copyrights.
Turning Point Law - Intellectual property law firm focusing on clients in emerging and established technologies seeking patent, trademark or copyright protection.
Van Pelt & Yi LLP - Silicon Valley intellectual property firm located in Los Altos, specializing in patent, trademark, copyright, licensing, and strategic counseling.
Vierra Magen Marcus Harmon & DeNiro LLP - San Francisco based firm specializing in intellectual property and related business matters.
Wang & Wang - International firm specializing in intellectual property law and investment law in China and Taiwan.
Bennett Law Office - Focusing in copyright, trademark, and Internet law.
Biggers & Ohanian, LLP - A patent boutique located in Austin, Texas.
Booth & Associates, PLLC - A law firm focusing on protecting the intellectual property of small and medium size businesses
Campbell Stephenson Ascolese LLP - Working with high technology companies to protect their intellectual property and provide legal solutions.
Carr LLP - A Dallas firm helping companies protect their ideas, identity and market share through patent, trademark, copyright and trade secret law.
Carstons & Cahoon LLP - Dallas firm focused on intellectual property and aviation law.
Chalker Flores, LLP - A Dallas law firm providing intellectual property legal services to clients including individual inventors, major national universities and small to large companies.
Conley Rose, P.C. - The firm specializes in intellectual property law, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, unfair competition, and covenants not to compete.
David L. McEwing - Registered patent attorney, offering services for patents, trademarks, copyrights and unfair competition, from offices in Houston.
Davis & Associates - An intellectual property law firm emphasizing patent prosecution and patent related matters.
Dillon & Yudell LLP - An Austin firm providing legal representation and counsel in the areas of patent and trademark law.
Fletcher Yoder - Houston firm, specializing in intellectual property matters.
Fortkort & Houston PC - Intellectual property attorneys in Austin, Texas.
Groover & Holmes - A patent specialist firm in the Dallas Galleria, experienced in electrical, software, mechanical, chemical, and materials engineering patents, including preparation, prosecution, enforcement, and defense.
Gunn & Lee PC - San Antonio and Houston attorneys offering services for patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, licensing, and related litigation.
Hamilton & Terrile LLP - Patent services include defense and enforcement, procurement and harvesting, opinion practice, competitive placement, and technology audits. Based in Austin.
Hulsey Intellectual Property Attorneys, PC - Intellectual property attorneys practicing in Austin, Texas.
Klemchuk Kubasta LLP - Dallas based firm providing patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secret litigation and prosecution services.
Law Office of David Dingeman - Dallas firm emphasizing Internet intellectual property issues.
Law Office of Matthew C. Fagan - An Austin law firm specializing in intellectual property law with an emphasis on patent prosecution and patent-related matters concerning electrical and computer technology.
Law Office of Michael R. Nichols - Technology-centered intellectual property practice focusing on patent preparation/prosecution in the areas of computer hardware, software, electronics, and signal processing.
Law Offices of Grady K. Bergen - Intellectual property attorney experienced in patents, trademarks and copyright and related matters.
Meyertons, Hood, Kivlin, Kowert & Goetzel, PC - Focusing on intellectual property law from offices in Austin.
Munck Butrus, PC - A Technology-focused law firm, headquartered in Dallas, Texas, with a branch offices in Marshall, Texas and Charlotte, North Carolina. Specializing in intellectual property and technology transactions.
O'Keefe, Egan, Peterman & Enders, LLP - An Austin law firm specializing in intellectual property law with a concentration in patent related issues.
Osha Liang - An intellectual property law firm with offices in Houston, Texas, Santa Clara, California, and Paris, France.
Patent Dominion LLP - Patent Dominion works with clients to analyze patents and/or technology to construct and implement a plan to generate revenue from intellectual property, usually through a licensing program.
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