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SOME USEFUL LINKS Google’s Irrationally Exuberant Tax Strategy, says Abraham Briloff(21 Feb 2010) How much is 2 plus 2? (18 Feb 2010) Google’s Irrationally Exuberant Tax Strategy (1 Feb 2010) Leadership in Turbulent Times: Remarks By Marillyn Hewson, President, Systems Integration-Owego, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Binghamton University, Binghamton, New York (8 Oct 2009) 23rd annual Briloff Lecture at Binghamton University (1 Oct 2009) THE Hubert DONNYBROOK: Confusion and cacophony from the Supreme Court's decision in Estate of Hubert (May 2009) Professor Briloff Valedictory Speech pt. 1 (May 2009) Professor Briloff Valedictory Speech pt. 2 (May 2009) Professor Briloff Valedictory Speech pt. 3 (May 2009) Ugly Process: Rationalizing Insolvent Banks Existence (29 Apr 2009) Fools Rush in to Ease Mark-to-Market Rules (28 Apr 2009) Retired judge returns for Briloff lecture (20 Nov 2008) IASB: The Rules of Arithmetic Are Suspended Indefinitely (15 Nov 2008) Judge Looking for Answers Amid Financial Meltdown (12 Nov 2008) Amended IAS 39: Exploding the Myth of an Independent IASB (11 Nov 2008) Commentary: The Case of Google (6 Oct 2008) ACCOUNTING PROPHETS: "THEY HAVE NO PROFITS”13 (3 Oct 2008) Profits Without Honor (31 Jan 2008) The temple and the marketplace: an accountant's reflections on business ethics by Abraham J. Briloff (30 Sept 2008) CPAs as the guardians of capitalism against the cancer of white collar crime (22 Aug 2007) ABRAHAM BRILOFF, A LEGEND AND A GIANT IN THE WORLD OF ACCOUNTING, CELEBRATES HIS 90TH BIRTHDAY (16 Jul 2007) Briloff updates his dissection of Google's Tax Avoidance and Transfer Pricing (8 Jun 2007) Briloff updates his dissection of Google (7 May 2007) Ethical Leadership for the Professions: Fostering a Moral Community (23 Feb 2007) Mittal, A Heavy Metal Triumph Of Globalization, Or Something Less? (7 Feb 2007) Google's SOS to the SEC (29 Jan 2007) Remembering the Conglomerates (8 Aug 2006) K-Swiss Red Flags (3 Jun 2006) Lax accounting marks end of GM as paragon (21 Mar 2006) Now G.M. Has Woes on Audits (18 Mar 2006) Edith Brilof passed away (25 Jan 2006) "Finding a Place to Stand to Move the World of Corporate Accountability” (10 Dec 2005) The 'wickedness' of the wicked and the 'mischief' of the virtuous (10 Oct 2005) The Press as a Watchdog for Accounting Fraud (31 Aug 2005) Flowers for Abraham Briloff (14 Mar 2005) Those Big Fish Are Gonna Get You (20 Jan 2005) Has the NYSE been sufficiently fixed after the "Grasso Affair"? (31 Dec 2004) Educator Exasperation Over Journals (30 Nov 2004) Royce Special Equity Fund’s Charles Dreifus stands out among his small-value peers by using the principles of some smart guys named graham, Buffett and Briloff (31 Mar 2004) Democracy Is in the Eye of the Beholder (15 Mar 2004) Long-Run Stock Returns Following Briloff's Analyses (1 Mar 2004) Abe speaks on Tyco (21 Jan 2004) Audit – Watchdog or bloodhound? (1 Jan 2004) Wyatt's Call to Return to Professionalism (30 Oct 2003) Abe Briloff challenges Tyco's goodwill (2 Jul 2003) Enron Lays Bush: Contradictions Or Conflicts Of Interest? (30 Jun 2003) New laws, new challenges: implications of Sarbanes-Oxley. (Financial Reporting) (1 Feb 2003) Auditors pushed on watchdog roles (25 Jan 2003) Accountancy and Society: A Covenant Desecrated (11 Jan 2003) Have they at last no shame (25 Dec 2002) PEDANTS OR GURUS: THE PRODUCTION AND DISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGE IN THE MANAGEMENT DISCIPLINES Auditing the Auditors (28 Oct 2002) Accountants gave a clean bill of health to more than half of the largest U.S. public companies that wentbankrupt from 1996 to 2001 Cooking the books – too many accountants spoil the broth (10 Oct 2002) Fourth Quarter 2002 Global Equities Outlook (4 Oct 2002) Detox: Curtain Ready to Fall on Conseco (9 Aug 2002) Accounting for Returns: How Royce Special Equity Fund Gained 34% in Past Year (10 Jul 2002) Tyco's Goodwill Games (13 Jun 2002) "The public's myth regarding the independent audit is just that, a myth" (1 May 2002) THE NATURE OF THE ACCOUNTING PROFESSION TODAY: A POSTSTRUCTURALIST CRITIQUE FAF Unveils Sweeping FASB Reform Changes inevitable for audit-consulting relationships "Obscene," AICPA Proposal (30 Mar 2002) Indictment could shred Andersen (15 Mar 2002) Hearing on "Accounting and Investor Protection Issues Raised by Enron and Other Public Companies (6 Mar 2002) Witness to the US Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Enron Too Shall Pass (19 Feb 2002) The accounting profession can recover (15 Feb 2002) We don't need more accounting principles; we need more accountants with principles (15 Feb 2002) Enron Updates on February 14, 2002 Getting to the Bottom of Cisco's Numbers (11 Feb 2002) Spark Calls For Change: Here's the Rundown (6 Feb 2002) <>Called to Account (27 Jan 2002) Cisco: Behind the Hype (21 Jan 2002) A Closer Look: Goodwill and FAS 142 (Jan 2002) Briloff named to Accounting Today’s "Top 100 Most Influential People” list for 2001 AAA Inc (Aug 2001) Do Analysts and Auditors Use Information in Accruals? (30 Jun 2001) The Stock Options Mirage (7 Feb 2001) 114 Years of CPA: Is it Time for a Change? (9 Jan 2001) Is there an epidemic of underauditing? (3 Jan 2001) What Accounting Profession Dean Abe Briloff Plans To Tell Congress Briloff and Market Efficiency (Dec 2000) Sued shoes and flimflam men Citigroup "Watered Stock" Mergers Taking Toll on Microsoft, Cisco Systems and the New Economy (27 Nov 2000) Charlie Dreifus on his Unique Investment Style (13 Nov 2000) Disney's Glowing Profits Questioned by Barron's Myths vs Reality; Conseco vs Briloff and Vice Versa How Pooling Makes High Acquisition Costs Disappear (23 Oct 2000) Testimony at SEC's Auditor Independence Hearings on 21 Sept 2000 (28 September 2000) Using fundamental analysis to assess earnings quality (Aug 2000) Revision of the Commission's Independence Requirements (29 Aug 2000) Where were the auditors? (July 2000) Paying People to Lie: The Truth About the Budgeting Process Briloff and the Lost Horizon (June 2000) Disney's glowing profits questioned (29 May 2000) Breaking Up the Big 5 (1 May 2000) Fraudulent Financial Reporting: Garbage In Garbage Out (April 2000) An accountancy manifesto for the Third Millennium (March 2000) Briloff Attacks reinstatements (Jan 2000) Whistling Past the Graveyard (31 Aug 1999) Briloff Letter to AICPA (Aug 1999) AICPA has its revenge (Aug 1999) Lies Damned Lies and Managed Earnings (2 Aug 1999) Confusion and cacophony from the Supreme Court's decision in Estate of Hubert (31 May 1999) The AICPA's Persecution of Abraham Briloff (Spring 1999) MISREPORTING RESULTS (Dec 1998) WHERE ARE THE ACCOUNTANTS (5 Oct 1998) Disney's Real Magic (23 Mar 1998) Disney's Real Magic (March 1998) Green Tree's Slide Spurs Questions of Oversight (8 Feb 1998) THE APPEARANCE STANDARD FOR AUDITOR INDEPENDENCE: WHAT WE KNOW AND SHOULD KNOW (20 Oct 1997) ACCOUNTING INTERVENTIONS (31 Jan 1997) Accounting frauds may point to deeper problems WHERE ARE THE ACCOUNTANTS? Why auditors end up missing so many danger signs Financial statements are like fine perfume; to be sniffed but not swallowed Cendant FASB IN MY REAR VIEW MIRROR THE SHERLOCK HOLMES OF ACCOUNTING Ambiguity, ethics, and the bottom line - accounting (31 May 1989)
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