- 05.02.2013
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Lexicography dictionaries and encyclopedias
Dictionary Society of North America
SIEHLDA: Société Internationale d'Études Historiques et Linguistiques des Dictionnaires Anciens / International Association for the Historical and Linguistic Study of Early Dictionaries
LEME: Lexicons of Early Modern English (Ian Lancanshire, University of Toronto)
Nathan Bailey, Universal Etymological English Dictionary (London, 1736; excerpts; Liam Quin)
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (ed. Noah Porter; Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, 1913; Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language [ARTFL], University of Chicago)
WordNet: A Lexical Database for the English Language (George A. Miller et al., Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University)
DICT Development Group (access to dictionary definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases)
Webopedia (Jupitermedia Corporation; online dictionary of computer and Internet technology)
Jean Nicot, Thresor de la langue française (1606; Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language [ARTFL], University of Chicago)
Denis Diderot and Jean Le Rond d'Alembert, Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts, et des métiers (Paris, 1751-72; Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language [ARTFL], University of Chicago; restricted access: automatically accessible to students, staff and faculty of the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities, thanks to arrangements made by the University of Minnesota Libraries; accessible to others by other arrangements)
Britannica Online (Encyclopædia Britannica, supplemented by Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th ed.; restricted access: automatically accessible to students, staff and faculty of the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities, thanks to arrangements made by the University of Minnesota Libraries; accessible to others by other arrangements [see general access information])
Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition (1911) (includes detailed, premodern accounts of nineteeth-century topics; commerical digitization project in progress)
Dictionary Society of North America
SIEHLDA: Société Internationale d'Études Historiques et Linguistiques des Dictionnaires Anciens / International Association for the Historical and Linguistic Study of Early Dictionaries
LEME: Lexicons of Early Modern English (Ian Lancanshire, University of Toronto)
Nathan Bailey, Universal Etymological English Dictionary (London, 1736; excerpts; Liam Quin)
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (ed. Noah Porter; Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, 1913; Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language [ARTFL], University of Chicago)
WordNet: A Lexical Database for the English Language (George A. Miller et al., Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University)
DICT Development Group (access to dictionary definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases)
Webopedia (Jupitermedia Corporation; online dictionary of computer and Internet technology)
Jean Nicot, Thresor de la langue française (1606; Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language [ARTFL], University of Chicago)
Denis Diderot and Jean Le Rond d'Alembert, Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts, et des métiers (Paris, 1751-72; Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language [ARTFL], University of Chicago; restricted access: automatically accessible to students, staff and faculty of the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities, thanks to arrangements made by the University of Minnesota Libraries; accessible to others by other arrangements)
Britannica Online (Encyclopædia Britannica, supplemented by Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th ed.; restricted access: automatically accessible to students, staff and faculty of the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities, thanks to arrangements made by the University of Minnesota Libraries; accessible to others by other arrangements [see general access information])
Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition (1911) (includes detailed, premodern accounts of nineteeth-century topics; commerical digitization project in progress)
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