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Уникальный программный комплекс для мониторинга и анализа соц. сетей - Seuslab.Ru. Мониторинг высказываний о политиках и персонах. Мы готовы помочь Вам решить Ваши задачи и проконсультировать. Предлагаем программный комплекс SEUS, предназначенный для мониторинга и анализа социальных сетей. Мониторинг высказываний о компаниях и брендах, материалов на определенную тему. Мы готовы проконсультировать по любым вопросам использования программы.




Social Media Monitoring - Meltwater Buzz
Gain insights about your customers and competitors by tapping into 300 million social conversations with the Meltwater Buzz Listen social media monitoring.
Social Media Monitoring - Using social data in the social ... - Gnip
Gnip has complete access to the social media data your customers are asking for . Social media monitoring and analytics starts with social data from Gnip.
Social Recruitment Monitor - Compare social media activity globally
The Social Recruitment Monitor™ ranks social media recruitment activity for the world's leading employers. It accurately tracks data for the major social networks,  ...
Egypt's police seek ability to monitor social media for signs of ...
Jun 2, 2014 ... The interior ministry wants the power to monitor social media for incitement of demonstrations, sit-ins and illegal strikes. Photograph: Xinhua ...
Should Companies Monitor Their Employees' Social Media? - WSJ
May 11, 2014 ... Some advocates say employers should be doing even more than they are now to monitor social media—they should keep an eye on workers' ...
Social Media Monitoring Wiki - A Wiki of Social Media Monitoring ...
BrandReact, Inc, Social Media Monitoring, Reporting & Response, All: Blogs, News Sites, Consumer Sites (Radar, Kieskeurig etc), Review Sites (Yelp, ...
Social Media Monitoring Tools - KISSmetrics
Oneforty recently surveyed 150 social media professionals to learn about what their main concerns were when it came to social media monitoring. What follows  ...
Social media monitoring, listening, and moderation | Adobe Social
Adobe® Social lets you simultaneously monitor thousands of sites across the social web, so you can identify trends, opportunities, and potential business threats ...
Social Media Monitoring - Mashable
Social Media Monitoring ... Social media monitoring and analytics can help city, state and national government agencies make faster and more informed ...
Socialbakers: Social Media Marketing, Statistics & Monitoring Tools
Socialbakers is the most popular provider of social media analytic tools, statistics and metrics for Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and LinkedIn.
Social Media Monitoring & Marketing Tools - Salesforce Marketing ...
Social media monitoring tools, social media engagement software and social marketing from the industry leader in social analytics.
69 Free Social Media Monitoring Tools [UPDATE 2013 ...
May 30, 2013 ... If you want to know what's happening in the social web you need social media monitoring tools. Before you reach for your wallet and start to ...
mention | Real-time media monitoring application
Media monitoring made easy with mention. Create alerts on your name, brand, competitors and be informed in real-time of any mention on the web and social ...
Social Media Monitoring - Social Insights | HP Autonomy
With HP Explore for social media monitoring, you can understand human- generated information in real time, to make sense of social media and turn it into a key ...
Hootsuite: Social Media Management Dashboard
Enhance your social media management with Hootsuite, the leading social ... and save the day with Hootsuite's best-in-class social media monitoring tools.
NUVI - Real-Time Social Intelligence
NUVI was born from one of the first social media command centers, and we stay ... Group and topic monitors make it easy to monitor more than just keywords, ...
Social Media Monitoring Review 2014 | Best Social Media Tools
Looking for the best and cheapest social media monitoring tools? We have expert reviews and feature comparisons of the top social media analytics tools.
social media monitoring - Mediavantage
On-demand media monitoring, automated tonality for online content, clip book ... Monitor TV, print, online news, social media and RSS feeds - all in one place.
10 Free Social Media Monitoring Tools | ProCommunicator.com
There's lots of places you can go to find social media monitoring tools. A lot of them cost bucks $$$. Here's a list of 10 that are free. Try them out and see what ...
Use of Social Media - Federal Business Opportunities: Opportunities
Feb 25, 2014 ... The increasing presence of social media promises new capabilities to monitor the effectiveness of FDA's ongoing risk communication efforts.
SMI Home - Social Media Information - Social Media Investigations ...
Add social media as a new and complementary information source to employee background checks and employee monitoring in a consistent and compliant ...
FBI Wants to Monitor Social Media for 'Emerging Threats' - US News
Jan 27, 2012 ... The agency recently decided to explore developing a web application that would monitor user updates on social sites such as Facebook and ...
Social Media Monitoring Guide: Where to Start?
Social media monitoring is an important first step for businesses that want to make smart use of social media, but knowing where to start can be overwhelming .
Social media to be monitored by federal government | Toronto Star
Nov 29, 2013 ... The federal government is seeking a firm that “continuously monitors social media content on a daily basis in near real time and (can) provide ...
Saudi Arabia amending laws to monitor social media - Al Arabiya ...
Jun 2, 2014 ... The Saudi authorities are reviewing the Anti-Cybercrime Law to amend it so as to initiate legal proceedings against social networking sites ...

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