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choreograph.net | theatre of dreams: social dreaming as ritual/yoga ...
Jan 28, 2008 ... theatre of dreams: social dreaming as ritual/yoga/literature machine ... their relevance to our under¬standing of the practice of social dreaming.
Off-ice training - Angelfire
Strength training may include free weights, weight machines, or the person's ... practice" such as practicing lifts off-ice, going through footwork choreography, ...
Facility Use Policies | UNC Campus Rec
Oct 1, 2010 ... K. Equipment Loan: Sporting equipment, clothes and towels are ..... may warrant use of drop-in time for additional practice or choreography.
MobileAcademy - Berlin 2006
Nils Peters, programmer, machine choreographer, musician (Berlin) ... dance scholar, with a focus on the conjunction of theory and practice in dance (Berlin)
about - the bodyLITERATE
Children are treated as machines to be processed, programmed, quality-tested and repaired. ... Kai is a practicing artist/choreographer and martial artist.
The Ohio Dance Machine | FAQ
We will perform three dances at 7 home games for the Ohio Machine. ... We look for a dancer's flexability, showmanship and ability to pick of choreography. ... A. We practice twice a week Monday's and Wednesday's at 8pm until 11pm at ...
The Dorsal Fin of Choreography, Writing performs ... - Emilie Gallier
Emilie Gallier. May 2012. Discursive Practice, ArtEZ Master in Choreography ... 1.1 Notation throughout history: lonely and unstable machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.
Should You Do Pilates on a Mat or on a Reformer? | Gaiam Life
Mat classes follow a set but flowing choreography and may ... a practice at home, but with a high-quality DVD choreographed and led by a certified, ... To some, reformer equipment might resemble a torture apparatus, looking ...
January 2014 - Leaps N Bounds
Jan 4, 2014 ... practice/choreography will be held every Saturday from 12:30 to 1:30 ... We have received notification of some gymnastics equipment for sale.
Practice and Facilities Scheduling - Campus Offices - Juniata College
We also want to give our training room staff, equipment manager, sports information staff, and game ... Cheerleading – Choreography with feet on the ground.
Entangled- Complex Bodies and Sensate Machines (Reinhardt ...
The machine is a body, a body-machine architecture where conceptual ... at the intersection of architecture, choreography and human–computer interaction, our ... into an interdisciplinary design process, and into an applied practice realm.
Collective Writing Machines - diego gil
diego gil, choreography, dance, performance, art, philosophy , the half. ... Collective Writing Machines is a choreographic practice developed during two years of ...
my beautiful machine | chigaimasu
My goal for the day was to practice the two big lessons from last week .... ideas, and suddenly instead of struggling through the choreography at the end of class,  ...
Hathaway Brown: The Young Choreographers Brown Bag Series
Since 2007, Hathaway Brown School has hosted The Young Choreographers Brown Bag Series, a series of four all-day workshops designed to bring young ...
Work it Out: Yoga, African Dance & Tai Chi….All Free! | Grapevine ...
Nov 27, 2013 ... Of course, machines like the treadmill and elliptical offer an excellent ... After getting down and practicing the choreography several times, ...
Stir the Sky | Lewiston/Auburn Magazine
The all-important concept of timing and precision comes from practice, she said, but being ... such as visual performance, timing, equipment, and choreography.
DOCH Master Students of Choreography Present "THE COMING ...
Information on the master programme in choreography at DOCH (in English) ... kill our fantasies and indignations to care about construing a work, a practice, .... and be the war machine that operates under the fearful name: mychoreography.
Networked_Performance — Expanded Choreography [Barcelona]
Mar 14, 2012 ... In the last few years the term 'choreography' has been used in an ... it is becoming an expanded practice, a practice that in and of itself is political. .... My Beating Blog (2006) MYPOCKET by Burak Arikan No Time Machine by ...
Paz Rojo - DOCH
PhD Candidate in Choreography; Department: Dance Department; Phone: ... how to interrupt with social subjection and the operations of the servitude's machine. ... the project tries to implement choreography as a radically inclusive practice ...
Vertical Reporting Task Force Best Practice Document - Wyoming ...
Best Practice Communication Choreography . ..... rather than leaving information to be exchanged in the background by machines with no human intervention or ...
Pilates Exercises - Free Pilates Exercise Instructions
Forget 45 minutes a day. Practice this one move and live a longer life. Get Hot Legs with This Pilates Leg Exercise The Pilates Side Kick Hot Potato for Hot Legs .
Insights into Web Service Orchestration and Choreography
mutual dependencies existing among orchestration and choreography. Keywords: ..... machine model, whose expressive power al- ...... Software Practice & Ex-.
Cirriculum Vitae - Shannon Cooney - Shannon Cooney is an ...
... 2008 - Curtain Machine, installation performance by visual artist Marla Hlady, Berlin- ... Choreography by Kim Itoh, Shelf Life, Damian Munoz, L'Avenir, Louise ... of Dynamic Expansion (Shannon Cooney's dance teaching practice, a somatic  ...
A Companion to Digital Literary Studies
Computers and the performing arts make strange bedfellows. .... word processor for dance students and practicing choreographers, a tool for composing dances.
The Actor Network Resource: Alphabetical List of Publications
In A. Pickering (Ed.) Science as Practice and Culture. Chicago, Chicago .... Ontological Choreography Agency for Women Patients in an Infertility Clinic. .... The argument is that machines are missing from political and social theory. Latour, B.

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