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Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation - The Institute is a multi-campus research unit that serves the entire University of California system. Research is focused on averting nuclear war through arms control and confidence-building measures, regional relations, international environmental policy, internal conflict, international migration, and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
International Relations News and Research Resources - This site contains useful news links and resources links for International Relations research of current events, world affairs, foreign policy, and global issues.
International Relations and Security Network (ISN) - ISN is a one-stop information service in the fields of international relations and security. Among the services offered are: an annotated links library, a limited area search tool (ISN LASE), a selection of resources on current world affairs, and specialized fact databases.
LSE Department of International Relations - London School of Economics and Political Science. Prospective and research students, scholarships and staff.
Mountbatten Centre for International Studies (MCIS) - Independent institute housed at the University of Southampton which explores trends in global non-proliferation and other security and international relations issues. News, programme reports, online research database access, and sample publications provided.
Open Democracy Network - This web site offers high-quality articles and comments on current issues in world politics, ranging from globalisation via European integration to the war on terrorism. Most of the content is written by well-known academics and journalists.
Paul Hensel's International Conflict Page - Articles, links, bibliographies, and search tools for researchers interested in international or ethnic conflict resolution.
Project on International Institutions and Conflict Management (PON) - Harvard Law School group which researches and publishes on the law and politics of international conflict management, civil-military cooperation and effective negotiation.
Soft Power: The Public Diplomacy Blog - Blog analyzing how nations leverage soft power to advance their strategic interests. Focus is primarily on India and China, written by a communications consultant.
Suite101: International Affairs and Comments - Personal commentary on development and world affairs, with links to related sites.
The End of the World As I Know it? - Zach Schauf's weblog on politics and culture, with a focus on international affairs and U.S. foreign policy.
The Global Site - An academic portal to International Relations maintained by Professor Martin Shaw of Sussex University. In addition to links, this site offers original articles and reviews organised around major topics in IR and sociology.
The John Danvers Web Page - From the lecturer on international relations and diplomacy. Includes texts of past lectures in PDF (registration required), discussion board, and photographs of Danvers and various world leaders.
US-India Institute - Promotes a lasting alliance between the world's two largest democracies, rooted in stronger economic and national security ties between the two countries and reflecting their common commitment to preserving democratic freedoms.
WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources - Over 2000 annotated links in a range of international affairs topics.
Warsaw University: Institute of International Relations - Includes information on the institute and details of research, international projects and courses. In Polish and English.
World Security Network - Independent international network of journalists and foreign affairs experts offering news and analysis of international affairs. Articles available by issue, region, and organization.
Young Europeans for Security (YES) - Youth organization of people and defense. Offers news and links to online resources on defense, international security and cooperation, and related policymaking.
e-International Relations - Online resource for students of international politics, diplomacy and global governance.
Aeragon - Aeragon traces the development of military science and technology through modern history and how the technology has been incorporated into civilian uses.
Center for Contemporary Conflict - Provides research on contemporary security issues to the makers and executors of U.S. defense policy.
Current Military Projects - Articles on current projects and weapons systems and links to contractors and subcontractors for those projects.
Defence Ventures: Defense Technologies - Offers a series of reports on major defense technologies, including coverage across the services and with reference to major Government agencies and acquisitions programs.
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) - Commissions advanced research for DoD. It was founded in response to the surprise Sputnik launch in 1958 and fathered the Internet somewhere along the way. Site explains what they're looking for (Solicitations), how to do business with them, news releases on the latest gee-whiz technology, budget info.
Defense Tech - News and commentary on technology developments and prospects in the military, law enforcement and national security arena.
DefenseLINK - Official Web Site of the U.S. Department of Defense - The official web site for the Department of Defense and the starting point for finding U.S. military information online.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms - From this page you can either browse the dictionary or search for the definition and usage of individual terms. The DOD Dictionary and the Joint Acronyms and Abbreviations master data base are managed by the Joint Doctrine Division, J-7, Joint Staff.
ETS News - In-depth look at the latest in Simulation and Training Technology from the defense world. Weekly updated news section.
Homeland Defense and Homeland Security Studies - Links to mostly government and military websites related to homeland security, created for military members by the Air War College.
International Society of Military Sciences - ISMS is an association of major national military science academies. Topics cover war studies, military history, military technology and weapons, ethics and management.
Journal of Battlefield Technology - A peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal for military officers, scientists and engineers involved in battlefield defence.
Journal of Homeland Security - Interdisciplinary, refereed journal includes book reviews, commentaries and articles on science and technology relevant to security planning and training, preventing and combatting terrorism, and related topics.
MIT Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies - U.S. Army-funded research initiative, aiming to advance soldier survivability through nanotechnology for applications in nanostructured fibers and materials, medicine, ballistic and blast protection, bio-materials and nanosystems integration.
Military Parade Online: Magazine of the Russian defense industry - News and information about Russian and CIS arms and the arms/aerospace market: missiles, tanks, submarines, aircraft, and weapons. Also news about space activities.
Race for the Superbomb Nuclear Blast Mapper - Blast mapper - Map a blast
SEDRIS - This is the home for environmental data representation and interchange for use in modeling and simulation, geographical information systems, and C4I.
SSC San Diego Biennial Review 2001 - A publication by the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center in San Diego, produced every two years. A collection of papers describing C4ISR research and development at the Center in support of the U.S. military.
TNO Defence, Security and Safety - An independent organization based in the Netherlands that conducts defense research, including military operations, military equipment, command and control, operational decision making, threat and protection, instruction and training.
Tactical Physics - William Erik Michael Kreizner is pioneering a new field of academic endeavor categorized as tactical physics, involving the development of penetration equations.
The AERADE Portal - Integrated access to key aerospace and defence information sources from Cranfield University.
Voodoo World - Links to detailed information about jets, planes, ships, and armament.
Battlefield Anomalies - Collection of battle and campaign accounts, mainly dealing with 19th century subjects.
Clash of Steel - Searchable database of military engagements throughout history. Also picture gallery and discussion forum.
Gentleman's Military Interest Club - Forum for the discussion of military history and militaria.
Historical Battle Guide - Details the author's visits to various battlefields around the world, with brief information and pictures.
John's Military History Page - Virtual tours of Revolutionary War and Civil War battlefields and armored fighting vehicles.
Line of Battle Enterprise - Military print vendor. Site offers extensive archive of thumbnailed artwork of persons, ships, battles, and other scenes from the naval heritage of the United States and Britain, and from American military history.
Maps of War - Flash animated time lines of war and its history.
Military Quotes - A collection of almost one thousand quotes related to war and military matters. Also includes jokes and a discussion forum.
New York Military Affairs Symposium - Newsletters, forthcoming events and a good selection of military links from this academic organisation.
OnWar.com - Military history site that includes a database of world conflicts and other military events 1800-1999.
Society for Military History - Devoted to stimulating and advancing the study of military history in the United States. Site describes publications, membership information, conferences, leadership, and SMH-sponsored awards and prizes.
The Greatest Military Commander - An opportunity to vote for your all-time greatest general.
The Patriot Files - A collection of articles are dedicated to the men and women of the armed forces and the many people who support them.
The Road to War - A forum for all aspects of past and present wars.
The War Page - Comprehensive site with information, letters and photos from a US perspective of the US Civil War, Philippine Campaign, Mexican Service, World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam.
The War Times Journal - An on-line magazine of military history which features original articles and archives covering wars and campaigns of all periods.
War Between Democracies - Article discussing the claim that "democracies do not make war on one another"; discussing a list of wars that may or may have not been fought between democracies.
War Letters - Archive of letters written by soldiers during the Napoleonic wars, American Civil War, World War One and World War Two.
Web Page of Durfee - Gateway to information on the American Revolution and on medieval Europe.
Æ Aeragon - Aeragon traces some of the history of military technology transfer to civilian applications. Aeragon is dedicated to analyzing the influence that developments in military technology have had upon modern material existence.
Jane's Information Group - News, information and analysis for information on defense, geopolitics, transport and police industries and issues.
Armchair General Magazine - Features current and historical military topics including wargame reviews, historic movie and book reviews, paintball tactics, and interactive articles spanning the history of warfare.
Civil Wars - Journal which aims to brings together academic pieces on all aspects of civil wars. Sample copy and current table of contents available.
Defence Studies - Journal produced by the staff and students of the British Joint Services Command and Staff College, covering historical and contemporary aspects of defence.
Defense Daily Network - A source for defense industry news, analysis and business information.
Defense News - Leading international news weekly covering the global defense industry. Offers headlines and articles by subject and region, as well as reference documents, event calendar, and opinion and commentary.
Equipment Training and Support News - Quarterly publication focusing on simulation and training issues, upgrades to equipment, new defence procurement and defence industry news. Reports from exhibitions and exhibition diary.
European Security - Journal devoted to the publication of articles, papers, essays, documents and reviews on the new architecture, concepts, institutions, problems and prospects for European security since the Cold War.
Global Defence Review - Provides an annual review of defence activity worldwide. Includes reviews for the most recent three years.
Intelligence Online - Specialises in seeking out and publishing hard-to-find and confidential news for a select readership.
Intelligence and National Security - Offers insights into the contemporary functions of intelligence and its influence of foreign policy and national security.
International Peacekeeping - Examines the theory and practice of military peacekeeping. Includes publication schedule, journal search, and archive of past issues.
International Security Page - Publishes essays covering all aspects of the control and use of force, from all political viewpoints. Its articles cover contemporary policy issues, and probe historical and theoretical questions behind them.
Jane's Air Forces News - News, information and analysis from the Air Forces section of Jane's Information Group.
Jane's Defence Weekly - Weekly digest of military and aerospace news from Jane's Information Group.
Jane's Defence Weekly - Current information on global defence issues and technology.
Jane's International Defense Review - Provides expert and authoritative analysis of weapons, systems and technology.
Jane's Land Forces News - News, information and analysis from the Land Forces section of Jane's Information Group.
Jane's Naval Forces News - News, information and analysis from the Naval Forces section of Jane's Information Group.
Jane's Navy International - Online magazine providing expert information on developments in global naval operations and technology.
Journal of Conflict Studies - Biannual publication dedicated to the dissemination of scholarly research in the field of low-intensity conflict studies.
Journal of Electronic Defense - Provides coverage of defense electronic issues, focusing in particular on electronic warfare.
Journal of Strategic Studies - Provides a broad approach and coverage of both contemporary and historical issues in the field of strategic studies.
Low Intensity Conflict & Law Enforcement - Addresses a range of military, security, and law enforcement issues associated with conflict short of general war.
Medicine, Conflict and Survival - Covers medical and psychological issues related to conflict.
Military Information Technology Online - Discusses information technology issues impacting defence matters, such as information security and intelligence, tactical communications, satellite imaging and UAVs.
Military Medical Technology Online - Focuses on the implications of technological advances for military matters.
Military Press Online - News and resources for military personnel and veterans.
Military Training Technology Online - Coverage of the use of technology in military training - topics include such matters as simulation training systems, modeling and simulation, and interactive distance learning.
Militaryreporter.org - This site is home to several articles and links related to military topics. Subjects include anthrax, Gulf War Illness, the Berlin airlift and the Air Force.
Reunions Magazine - Family, class, and military reunions. Includes an online list of upcoming US military reunions.
Routledge Military, Strategic and Security Studies - Promotes theoretically-based research on policy problems of armed violence, peace building and conflict resolution.
Security Studies - Publishes theoretical, historical and policy-oriented articles on the causes and consequences of war, and the sources and conditions of peace.
Small Wars and Insurgencies - Provides a forum for the discussion of the historical, political, social, economic and psychological aspects of insurgency, counter-insurgency, limited war, peacekeeping operations and the use of force as an instrument of policy.
Soldier of Fortune Magazine - Monthly publication of world events and new technology relating to police, military, and interested persons.
Soldiers for the Truth - Grass-roots educational organization that informs the public, Congress, and the media about the decline in readiness of American armed forces. Features volunteer opportunities, current operations and contact information.
SpaceWar - Daily news about military-space and nuclear-weapon technology and policy.
StrategyPage.com - The online magazine of the Art and Science of War and Intelligence. Covers current military technology, conflicts, and policy.
Terrorism and Political Violence - Focuses on the political meaning of terrorist activity, including studies of various related forms of violence by rebels and by states, and the links between political violence and organized crime, protest, rebellion, revolution, and human rights.
The Council for a Livable World - News, in-depth background analysis and opinion of military and defense issues from disarmament advocacy organization.
The Defense Monitor - Published up to 12 times a year by the Center for Defense Information, the Defense Monitor has since 1972 provided timely information about military programs and policies.
The Gertz File - Defense and national security news and editorializing from Bill Gertz, reporter for The Washington Times and author of 'The China Threat' and 'Betrayal'.
The Journal of Slavic Military Studies - Investigates all aspects of military affairs in the Slavic nations of central and eastern Europe in historical and geopolitical context. (Formerly the Journal of Soviet Military Studies.)
UN & Conflict Monitor - A quarterly publication providing current information about UN peacekeeping and other activities in conflicts around the world as well as information about conferences, research, publications, training and events.
defense-aerospace.com - News, information and data for aerospace and defense professionals. Includes live feed, communiqués and official reports.
Comparative Politics - An international journal that publishes scholarly articles devoted to the comparative analysis of political institutions and behavior.
Comparative Politics Newsletter - From the American Political Science Association. Includes back issues in PDF format, officers and submission requirements.
Comparative Politics: A Global Introduction - Textbook published by McGraw Hill. Includes author biographies, sample chapter, instructor login and table of contents.
European Journal of Political Research - Specialises in articles articulating theoretical and comparative perspectives in political science. Included is journal information, contents lists and abstracts.
Interests, Identities, and Institutions in Comparative Politics - Book list published by the University of Michigan Press. Includes descriptions and purchase information.
Journal of Democracy - Focusing exclusively on democracy, the Journal monitors and analyzes democratic regimes and movements in scores of countries around the world. Each issue features a unique blend of scholarly analysis, reports from democratic activists, updates on news and elections, and reviews of important recent books.
Passion, Craft, and Method in Comparative Politics - Published by Johns Hopkins University Press. Interviews with scholars in comparative politics since World War II. Shown are purchase links and chapters.
Enzymes - Multidisciplinary, multilingual, irregular and free access online journal covering a wide range of topics in the field of natural philosophy including cosmology, anthropology, social psychiatry, psychoanalysis, neurobiology, jurisprudence and religious studies.
Estonian Social Science Online - Archive of issues from 1999 and 2000.
International Journal of Social Inquiry - Peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal publishing theoretical and empirical work that uses a variety of methodological approaches that advance the study of social science.
Journal of Biosocial Science - Interdisciplinary and international journal that covers the common ground between biology and the social sciences. Includes editorial board, subscription information and details for authors.
Journal of Policy Modeling - Published by the Society for Policy Modeling to provide a forum for analysis and debate concerning international policy issues. Focuses on the economic, social, and political interdependencies between national and regional systems.
Journal of Politics & Society - Annual undergraduate journal published at Columbia University provides an interdisciplinary forum for students to discuss problems in the social sciences, including economics, public policy, international relations and law.
Negations - An interdisciplinary journal of social criticism.
ScholarArticles.net - International database of scholarly articles on a wide range of topics in the field of social science.
Social Marketing Quarterly - Social marketing is the application of marketing tools to behavior change initiatives, a proven approach to social change. This scholarly, internationally circulated journal covers theoretical, research and practical issues confronting social marketers.
Social Science Japan Journal - Comparative perspective and international issues that affect Japan. Oxford University Press. Abstracts on-line from 1998, full text to subscribers.
Social Sciences and Humanities - Online educative and informational magazine with blog posts in French and English.
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