- 04.06.2014
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Blog Board Forum - Forum for bloggers on the latest news and views from the Blogosphere.
Blog Community - Weblogs are fast-moving frequently-updated sites with links to stories and weblog communities. Email list.
Blogger Talk Forum - A community website for people interested in blogs.
BloggerDev - For discussion of the Blogger API.
Blogging Community - Group created for bloggers (web log users and variants of these personal publishing formats) for social discussions related to personal publishing, tech. advice, and current events.
Pimp My Blog - Discussion of weblog design and publishing tools.
Akismet - A plugin which identifies and blocks comment and trackback spam on blogs with integration to various blogging systems.
Bad Behavior - An open source a PHP-based solution for blocking link spam and the robots which deliver it by analyzing the delivery method as well as the software the spammer is using instead of looking at the content of potential spam.
Blog Spam Database - Database of URLs and phrases often used by spammers, along with links to related resources and a discussion forum.
Kalsey Consulting Group - Comment Spam Manifesto - Weblogger crystallizes the thoughts of many in declaring a cyberwar on those who inappropriately post in guestbooks and weblogs.
Learning Movable Type: Concerning Spam - Types of spam seen on blogs.
No Guestbook Spam Anymore - Offers instructions for webmasters for avoiding and eliminating spam in guestbook.
Stop Forum Spam - Provides statistics and various information about persistent spammers on message boards and blogs.
TypePad AntiSpam - Provides an open source antispam plug-in for Movable Type and WordPress.
Jeremy Zawodny's Blog: Using mod_rewrite against comment spam bots - Very short tutorial. (January 08, 2005)
OJR : Bloggers Declare War on Comment Spam, but Can They Win? - "Here's a look at the battle so far." (September 16, 2004)
Internetnews.com - Six Apart Trains Guns on 'Comment Spam' - The blog tools vendor Six Apart plans to roll out an open online authentication system to fight the growing phenomenon of comment spam. (March 25, 2004)
Wired - Googlemania: The (Evil) Genius of Comment Spammers - Background of the phenomenon of comment spam and how bloggers responded. (March, 2004)
MSNBC - Spammers now clogging blogs, IM - Spam has never been limited to e-mail. But now, commercial pitches are increasingly popping up in online chats, instant messages, cell phones with text messaging and weblog comments. (November 14, 2003)
BBC News - How spammers are targeting blogs - Spammers are turning their attention to weblogs, angering technology analyst Bill Thompson. He calls it "flyblogging."
Jeremy Zawodny's Blog - Guerilla Tactics Against Blog Comment Spammers - Suggestion that bloggers create posts that target the same spammy phrases that blog spammers want Google to find.
Wired: When the Spam Hits the Blogs - Owners of weblogs have recently noticed that their referral logs have become the newest target for spam.
Alliance Of The Anonymous - Lists members who have posted the organization logo on their weblog.
Big Blog Media - Containing articles and reviews.
Blog Announce - Free-for-all links listing for sites, organized by category.
Blog Catalog - Sites are listed by category and can also be searched. Five are selected as top weblogs, along with a spotlight weblog.
Blog Dirs - Human edited weblog directory. Sites from all languages welcome.
Blog Flux Directory - Based on tagging with related weblogs.
Blog Hot or Not - View random weblogs and rate them from 1 to 10.
Blog Point - Categorized by topics.
Blog Search Engine - Search engine and directory listings of weblogs and tools.
Blog Toplist - Categorized and sorted by popularity.
Blog Universe - Directory of weblogs as submitted and categorized by the site owners. Weblog, podcast, and video log directory.
BlogBunch - Topical listings.
BlogScholar - Academicportal featuring a directory of academic weblogs as well as the latest news and trends.
Blogadr - Free listings, with no link back required. Human-edited directory of personal and corporate blogs.
Blogarama - Lists weblogs by category. Users are invited to post reviews.
Blogdust - Categorized listings sorted by topic.
Bloggeries - Categorized listing of weblogs from around the world.
Bloggernity - Searchable directory with a forum.
Blogging Fusion Blog Directory - Lists blogs by category and can also be searched. Five are selected as top weblogs, top rated weblogs, along with a featured spotlight weblog each week.
Blogoriffic - Free weblog directory and blogger community.
Blogs Collection - Grouped by category and country.
Blogs Rating - Categorized by subject with ability for users to rate and post their comments about listed sites.
Blogtagstic - Every weblog submitted is manually reviewed before inclusion. Searchable by tags.
Blogwidow.com - A resource and reference site for web logging and weblogs.
Bloogz - Search for weblogs by typing in a keyword. Choose from five languages.
Blurt it! - Free self moderated directory.
Business Blog Directory - A collection of business and corporate weblogs.
Delightful Blogs - Collection of blogs written by and for women on a wide variety of topics.
GetBlogs.com - Human edited directory.
Guardian Unlimited - Weblog Guide - A "best of" selection of weblogs grouped by category.
High Class Blogs - Nonprofit directory. Awards are given out at the end of each quarter for the best weblog in each category.
Photarium - Uses a user-submitted tagging system to provide better categorization.
Powered by WordPress Directory - Human-edited directory, sorted by topic, of blogs that run WordPress.
Quick Blog Directory - Organized by category.
Royal Artist Club - Provides a place for bands to communicate directly with fans, without middlemen.
Spill Bean - Listings are categorized by topic.
Sports Blogs - Listing weblogs on sports.
Start4all: Weblogs - Startpage with links of webloggers. This page contains bloggers all over the world with interesting stories. Also links of famous webloggers and weblog tools, media, portals and meetings.
The Ageless Project - Web logs by birthdate. Includes screenshots of the front page of each weblog listed.
The Octopus Files - Alphabetized listing includes excerpts from posts to give the reader an idea of what they're like.
TheVital.Net - Free categorized and searchable directory for weblog and news sites. All entries are manually reviewed.
Today.com - Categorizes by topic.
Wutzle - Allows users to rate listings in the directory.
Become A Blogger - Useful videos that teaches any beginner how to blog.
Blog Basics - Blogging tutorials, articles, reviews and comparisons.
Blog Usability: Top Ten Design Mistakes in Weblogs - Alertbox article from Jakob Nielsen, explaining how many blogs are too internally focused and make it hard for new readers to understand the site and trust the author.
Blogussion - Blogging tips and discussions on how to create a blog and becoming a better blogger.
How To Make My Blog - Blog ideas, tips, tools and tutorials. How to create, setup, and start a blog.
J.T. Pratt - Blogging, affiliate marketing and WordPress help, plugins, hacks and tutorials
ProBlogger - Tips to help bloggers earn money.
Site Sketch 101 - Resources, best practices, FAQs, and step-by-step tutorials for bloggers and webmasters.
Skelliewag - Essays on blogging, entrepreneurship, web content, social media, happiness in work, creativity, learning, expertise and business.
Successful-Blog.com - Advice for new bloggers on how weblogs help build business, communication, social networks, and communities.
The Giant Blogging Terms Glossary - Explains common blogging acronyms, abbreviations and related terms.
We Build Your Blog - How to make a blog: advice for bloggers to get the most out of their blog.
Write a Better Weblog - Article about writing a better weblog, by Dennis A. Mahoney.
Aeonity - Free weblog community allows instant publishing and custom templates.
BestBlogHosting.biz - Free blog hosting with customizable templates, RSS feeds, pinging and personal user profiles.
Bitwik - Movable Type, WordPress and Open Melody blog hosting services for individuals, kids, students and corporations. VPS (Virtual Private Servers) and Clustered Solutions are available options.
Blog Drive - A weblog publishing service that is easy enough for a beginner and advanced enough for an expert.
Blog Studio - Free and paid features including file uploads, subdirectory URLs, and automatic publishing in WML format.
Blog-City.com - Provides blog sites without requiring HTML or FTP expertise.
Blog-City.info - Allows you to easily create your own free website including a blog, guest book, forum and visitor survey.
Blog.com - Blog host service with free and paid plans available. Features include one-click publishing and photo albums.
BlogHarbor - Easy-to-use templates and advanced features like RSS creation, moblogging, trackbacks, category support, and 1 GB or more disk space. Free trials are available.
BlogMyWay - Provide free blogs without ads. Mobile posting.
BlogText - Free service allows users to search other blogs, upload images, and create syndicated XML feeds.
Blogfuse - Free host targeted to the search engine optimization community. Offers WYSIWYG editor, templates, RSS, multiple authors, and subdomain URLs.
Blogomonster.com - Features include RSS feed generation, a wide range of templates, friends lists and archives of your posts.
Blogpage.com - Free host for blogs with features including comments, counters, photo galleries, and contests. Multilingual site.
Blogs 4 Me - Free weblog host; with list of recent weblog post/comments.
Blogster - Resources for free weblogs. Offers tools, tips, and opportunities to share.
Blogstream - Provides a guestbook, biography and image gallery for your weblog.
Deadjournal - Based on the same open source code as LiveJournal, but with a much darker mood.
EFx2Blogs - Free weblog host. Full featured admin center, complete control over blog posting, your very own shoutbox.
EgoWeblog - Provides subdomains, image galleries, archiving and RSS feeds.
Fotopages - Share photographs in a weblog. No programming necessary, uses a simple web interface.
Free-Conversant - Conversant is an Internet groupware platform which allow flexible hosting of weblogs and web community sites with browser-based editing, as well as email and NNTP integration.
Freeflux.net - Free content management hosting service based on Flux CMS.
Globbo - Offers 50mb space and the use of WordPress, b2evolution, or Pivot.
HWY Blogs - Free blogs targeted to truckers, with file upload space and templates.
Hondos Weblog - Allows custom layouts and image uploads. Post using a WYSIWYG editor. Free.
HubPages - A free blog hosting community with easy to navigate content. HubPages is a feature rich platform offering answers, forums, feeds and money making opportunities.
Inube - A free blog hosting service that offers photo albums, guest books, friend lists and revenue sharing to the user.
Jevon Online - Features interactive tools, remote site integration, image hosting, smilies, and style editors.
KiteHost - Allows unlimited entries, photo galleries, and multiple design templates.
Life with Christ - A free full featured Christian weblog host.
LiveLogCity.com - A service for creating your personal online web journal/ weblog.
Memebot - Greymatter-based free hosting; wiki also offered.
Memory Post - Create an online scrapbook and invite friends and family to share their stories and photos in your private Guestbook and photo gallery.
MindSay - Create blogs, profiles, and wiki pages for free.
Mocia.net - Free blog service which allows users to customize their templates and subdomains.
MyCookingBlog.com - Resources for cooks including a publishing tool, RSS feeds, commenting and archiving for your posts.
OhBlog.com - A paid blog hosting service with photo albums, calendars, counters and emoticons. Free trial available.
Ohlog - Free service includes syndication, photo upload, mobile posting, and backup downloads.
Pasteme - A micro-blogging host and community website for sharing photos, videos, and brief blog posts. Offers English and Chinese support.
PowerBlogs - Managed weblog hosting using custom blogging software. Multiple plans available.
ProBlogs.com - Free weblogs sorted by category, including an RSS feed.
SailBlogs - Free service offers theme manager, directory listing, and post-dated entries. Advanced features include map tracking, post by email, photo galleries.
Scriptologist.com - Create a free blog to network with film industry professionals. Includes multiple design templates, subdomains, friends only entries and custom avatars.
ShoutPost - Free host does not place ads on pages and offers friends-only or private posting options.
Squarespace, Inc. - Focus on writing your weblog entries and publishing your files and pictures instead of worrying about how to design and update your website.
SweetCircles.com - A free social blogging platform including design templates, personal profiles and friend networking.
TRHBlogs - Free service offers RSS feeds and site embedding.
Tabulas - Webhosting service featuring weblog and photo album hosting.
TheBlogs.net - Free host features weblog searching, bbCode, and a control panel.
Thoughts.com - A free blog community that allows people to upload photos, videos, podcasts and chat with friends and family
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