- 04.06.2014
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Интернет ресурсы. Полезные ссылки.
Academic FreedomLinks - A directory of alternative news sites.
Alternative News Sources - Provides links related to subjects neglected by the media.
Alternative Press Index - Includes directory of links and information about alternative media and other resources.
NewPages - Resource for locating alternative publications put out by independent publishers. Includes links to the publishers themselves, alternative and literary periodicals, newsweeklies, reviews, and bookstores.
Newsfly 411 - News sources, rare articles tips and tools from around the web.
Opposition and Clandestine Shortwave Radio Stations - Links to clandestine and opposition radio stations from around the world that broadcast on shortwave.
American Daily - Offers daily opinion columns from various politically conservative commentators. Includes profiles and a newsletter.
CNews: Columnists - Columnists from CNews, the Calgary Sun, Edmonton Sun, London Free Press, Ottawa Sun, Toronto Sun, Webfin and Winnipeg Sun.
Creators: Opinion - Column archives, biographies and contact information for the member columnists, representing a variety of viewpoints.
Grizzly Web Links - Editorial and Opinion - Directory of links for editorial, commentary, and opinion columns.
HeadlineSpot: Columnists - Directory of columnists grouped by subject.
National Society of Newspaper Columnists - Sage advice from veteran scribes and networking opportunities for staff columnists, self-syndicated and freelance columnists, and novices. Find facts about fellow members in the database.
The Columnists - San Francisco Bay Area newspaper columnists, now working independently, have joined their talents to produce free columns on the arts, including theater, film, television, humor and life in general.
The Conservative Chronicle - Directory of more than 45 nationally-respected columnists and cartoonists with conservative appeal.
Townhall.com: Conservative Columnists - More than 60 conservative columnists from various newspapers.
Tribune Media Services: Commentators in Art and Text - Offers opinion and analysis columnists and editorial cartoonists. Full list plus directories by type.
1stHeadlines - Updated headlines from newspaper and broadcast news sources around the world.
Armwood News Blog - Selected headlines and archived stories. Focus on U.S. and Pacific Rim.
Armwood News Blog - Selected headlines and archived stories. Focus on U.S. and Pacific. [Atom]
Big Blog - Jonathan Hedley's feed of breaking news covering arts and culture, biological and computer sciences, quirky items, space exploration, and technologies.
Big News Network.com - News headlines directory with wide range of categories, including top stories, business and sports news. Site offers news headlines to other Web sites.
Blugram.com - Tag clouds to a range of alternative sourced stories.
Breitbart - News syndicate providing continuously updated headlines throughout the day to top news and analysis sources.
Common Dreams Newswire - Current stories from a broad range of progressive, left, environmental and peace organizations.
DailyNews365 - News items for India.
Dotso.com - Site allowing users to browse the latest world headlines without the time consuming process of visiting numerous websites to do so.
ERFilter.com - Regularly updated links to news stories from a variety of sources.
Headlinenews - Feeds from Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN, Washington Post, New York Times and Le Monde. Sourced from daily and weekly newspapers, search engines, and broadcast items. [In English and French].
Headliner: World Wide News - International news links and categories.
INTL News by Joe Broadhurst - International news headlines.
Infoshop.org News Kiosk - Headlines related to anarchist, left, ecology, animal rights, peace activists.
MyAntiwar.org - Latest anti-war headlines from alternative news sites.
NEWSiness.com | The Latest News in Brief - Many current newsfeeds, compactly organized and readily accessible.
News Owl - Blog style news links in a variety of categories.
News on Feeds - Up-to-the-minute news from around the world. Aggregates news feeds into categories and arranges them by date.
NewsCountry.com - News, sports highlights, and weather forecasts online.
NewsCuts - Breaking news stories from a variety of sources, providing business news, sports updates, entertainments, newsbits, and politics.
NewsNewsNews.co.uk - Lists headlines from around the world. Allows users to view and tag news story.
NewsNow - Headlines links to stories from a wide range of sources, organised by category and regularly updated
NewsReek - Billing itself as a "soul voice in the marketplace of ideas". A collection of headline links dealing with mainly political items.
NewsZoom - Multiple news categories, news search and newspaper directory.
Newser - Offers succinct summaries of news stories from all over the web, along with photos, video and audio, and links to the original source.
Newslookup.com - Continuously updated headlines categorized by source region and media type. Free news feeds for commercial and personal use.
Nuzee News Headlines and Blog Digest - Links to news headlines, excerpts and articles in English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic.
One News Page - Global news aggregator drawing trusted online sources - including newswires, newspapers and broadcasters. News headlines are categorized and fully searchable.
OnlineJournalism.com - Global directory of news websites, reviewed by Internet readers and with dozens of topical headline feeds. Maintained by the Online Journalism Review at the University of Southern California's Annenberg School of Journalism.
RatherGather - Collects popular items from a range of collaborative news sites.
Schema-root.org - Cross-referenced news feeds, abstracts of archived articles, topical searches.
Simply Info - Categorized news headlines.
SoupSoup! - Augmented world and technology news cross referenced with articles from Wikipedia, Flickr photos, Technorati blog posts, and Vizu user-generated polls.
Syndicated News - World news, commentary, business and technology news.
The Buzz Page - Daily news featuring a selection of odd news headlines.
The Raw Story - Top news stories in multiple categories.
The World Of News.com - Find newspapers, television news stations, and radio news station. Read current news from across the globe.
Toppest.com - News headlines and related web site directory organized by subject.
USNewsLink - Supplies breaking stories from sources across the United States.
United Networks News Cast - News headlines from various sources. Includes latest reports from around the world. HTML, RSS, and raw text feed formats are available.
World News - Headline links selected with regard to "Bible prophecy and Christian living."
Yolone - Continually updated from thousands of sources. News sorted by U.S state, and global region.
eNews Reference - Media headlines from around the world. Sorted by region and topic.
iOnTheWorld - News and current events, videos and images.XML Feeds:
Big Blog - Jonathan Hedley's feed of breaking news covering arts and culture, biological and computer sciences, quirky items, space exploration, and technologies. [RSS]
MyAntiwar.org - Aanti-war headlines from alternative news sites. [RSS]
NewsFlashing.com - Coverage from multiple agencies. News feeds from Associated Press, sports from Eurosport, plus links to the Weather Channel, Financial Times, BBC News and Astrology.com. [RSS]
preciseNews - Regular updates on breaking news, opinion and commentary. [RSS]
Australian Journals Online - The National Library of Australia's database of links to 2,000 Australian ejournals, newspapers, magazines, webzines, newsletters, and e-mail fanzines.
Bodybuilding & Fitness Magazines - Directory of bodybuilding and fitness magazines, with magazine descriptions, current contents and links to the publisher.
Fishing Magazines - Searchable directory of links to magazines and e-zines on fly fishing, freshwater and saltwater fishing. Includes species and regional magazines.
Looksmart's FindArticles - Can search and browse for 2.8 million articles from over 500 magazine and journals back to 1988.
MagPortal - Individual magazine articles on all topics categorized and searchable.
Magatopia.com - Searchable directory of links to over 1,000 magazines with free and current articles. Can browse by subject.
Magazine Directory - Has short descriptions of and links to over 340 magazines.
Magazine Rack - Grizzly Web Links - Links to web sites of popular magazines, categorized by subject.
MediaJump - A media guide with links to over 3,000 alphabetically categorized magazines, professional journals, trade and consumer publications in the United States and Canada.
MetaGrid Newspapers & Magazines - This search engine facilitates searching for selected newspapers and magazines.
NewsLink - Directory of links to newspapers and news magazines worldwide with full or partial coverage, and to U.S. radio/TV sites. Has a search by city/state feature.
PubList.com - A directory of magazines published in the United States. Includes descriptions, publisher information and advertising contact information for each magazine.
The MagazineBoy - Searchable directory of links to more than 1500 magazines. Can browse by subject, country, title, or language.
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory - Global source for periodicals information since 1932
Virtual LRC Online Magazine Search Page - Search full text of over twenty-five online magazines from one page.
e-journals.org - Directory with links to ejournal collections in 33 subject categories. Part of The WWW Virtual Library.
jake (jointly administered knowledge environment) - Database of over 23,000 journals. Entries indicate where journals are available in full-text or as citations and abstracts.
metaXpress - Links to U.S. and European newspaper sites, news agencies and portals.
AllYouCanRead.com - Searchable collection of newspapers from over 180 countries.
British Newspapers Online - Links to newspapers and magazines.
Cyber Newsstand - Links to newspapers from around the globe.
DailyEarth - Online newspapers directory, organized by country and state.
English Online International Newspapers - Links to daily English-edition online newspapers.
International Newspaper Links - A searchable resource for 3,400 worldwide newspaper and magazine links.
Internet Public Library Reading Room: Newspapers - Searchable newspapers directory, with links organized by continent/country or in a title index.
List of Newspapers - Directory of online newspapers around the world, links to more than 25,000 newspapers listed by country.
MIT Libraries - Foreign Language News and Newspapers - Collection of links to electronic journals, newspapers and magazines.
MediaPlanetaria - Worldwide collection of online newspapers, internet radio stations, and live web television. Organized by city.
Mediatico.Com - Listing of United States and international newspapers. Includes English, Spanish and Italian versions.
Multilingual Books - Foreign Newspapers - Directory of online, non-English newspapers organized by language.
News Conc - Lists newspapers and news sources from around the world.
News Paradise - Links to selected English-language newspapers around the world, arranged by country.
Newsclock.com - Sorts world and American listings, and provides user rankings. Topical stories can be discussed at a forum.
Newspaper Atlas - Clickable map provides directory of that state's newspapers. News feeds also sorted by topic. Plus links to independent and government news agencies around the world.
Newspaper Catalog - Directory of newspapers worldwide organized by country, title or language.
Newspaper Country - Shows each nation's flag, some demographic details and links to various newspapers.
Newspaper Index - Links for newspapers and magazines throughout Europe.
NewspaperIndex.com - One journalist's effort to index newspaper websites that are both free to use and updated daily. Includes journals and newsletters where deemed significant for its nation.
Newspapers Periodicos.com - Information in English, Spanish, German and French about newspapers. Listed by country.
Newspapers on the Net - Listing of 10,000 newspapers from around the world, searchable by country and then by publication.
Newspapers online - Database of thousands of newspapers online from all over the world. Multiple searching methods.
Newspapers.com - A listing of newspapers including international, industry, speciality and entertainment publications.
Newspapers.com.au - Searchable listing of newspapers covering Australia. Includes headlines from major papers.
Newspapers24.com - Online newspapers sorted by geographic location, language, and circulation of the print edition. Offers quick facts to more than 12,200 news sources in more than 215 countries and territories.
Newsrip - Directory of English-language newspapers, magazines, and comics. Search engine parses independent and alternative news publications to offer articles other sites bury.
Newz.info - World online newspapers listed by region, country and alphabetically.
Omninternet News - Newspapers sorted by region and country. Drill to hundreds of official sites in no more than three clicks. Submits sites and report broken links.
Prensa Escrita: Newspapers - Directory of daily newspapers sorted by region with links to each.
Quiosc: Newspapers and magazines - Compilation of worldwide press. Search database by region, keyword or language.
Redozone.com - Directory of world newspapers.
Search-22 - Links to the search engines of world newspapers.
The World Press - A listing of world newspapers by country.
Tilpon.com - Directory of world newspapers listed by regions.
Ultimate source for latest information - Stagiou.blogspot.com provides the information regarding what latest happening in the world. It is ultimate source for the latest web information. Its readers can get latest information about movies, entertainement, movies gossips, results , jobs, current affairs, Pakistan news, sports and much more. Stagiou.blogspot.com is ultimate source for latest information.
World's Newspapers on Internet - Pull-down menu allows for searching by geographic region.
Worldwide Newspapers - List newspapers from all over the world. Sort by region, popularity, and title.
refdesk.com - Newspapers US and Worldwide - A listing of world newspapers.
FindArticles.com - A searchable online archive of magazine and journal content.
Google News - Aggregated headlines and a search engine of many of the world's news sources. Search results group similar articles together.
MagPortal.com - Individual magazine articles on all topics categorized and searchable.
News Report Link - Search articles from multiple news sources.
News-Spider.com - Search news headlines from thousands of sources. Articles also grouped by topic. Updated hourly.
NewsLookup.com - Search thousands of news sites by source region, media type and meta tags. News headlines and feeds updated continuously.
Newstree - Search independent media and video. A vertical search engine crawling alternative news media for content every couple of hours.
Pandia Newsfinder - Metasearch engine for news headlines, summaries and links to articles.
PressRadar.com - Search headlines and business news from thousands of sources. Updated every 5 minutes.
RSS News Search - Search for news on any current topic via a keyword.
RedTram - Search the latest news in English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian by subject in any region.
Rocketinfo - Keyword search against news and weblog content gathered from across the web.
The NewsChannel Network - A search engine and directory of television and radio news items.
World Design News - Up-to-minute design and arts news from around the world.
Yahoo News - Keyword search across thousands of news sources and major wire services.
About.com -- Weather - The starting place for exploring weather including weather forecasts, and climate conditions, breaking weather news and headlines, and topical and informational articles.
Science of the Sky - The art and science of weather and atmospheric phenomena.
Weather Resources - Numerous links to weather information from refdesk.com.
Weather and Related Phenomena - Conditions, forecasts, warnings, radar and satellite images for land and sea on web sites around the world.
Weatherbase - Monthly weather records, averages, historical weather and climatology for 16,434 cities worldwide.
Westwind.ch - 6000 weather links for Europe
WorldSwitch - Links to weather sites both in the U.S. and 80 International countries.
WxUSA - Worldwide weather links with an index to weather forecasts, weather radar, current weather, weather cams and information.
Yahoo Weather - Yahoo weather including forecasts, resources and categories.
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