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TripSailor - Free sailing blog host includes photo albums, map-tracking, guestbooks, mobile updates, GPX uploads and community forums.
Tumblr - A feature rich and free blog hosting platform offering professional and fully customizable templates, bookmarklets, photos, mobile apps, and social network integration.
TypePad - Service for hosting and publishing weblogs and photo albums.
Upsaid Weblog/ Newslog - Blogging tool with features such as posting comments on entries and placing a hitcounter on pages.
WeblogPage - Offers a profile page, publishing tools and a friends list.
Weblogs.us - Offering free Wordpress blogs. Full FTP and MySQL access. No ads required on hosted pages.
WikyBlog.com - A free weblog service that integrates weblogs and wiki features. Additional features include support for Google Maps and AJAX.
X-Journal - Weblog journal system for expeditions, researchers, adventurers, travelers and others in far-flung and remote places of the planet.
Xanga - Personal publishing. Free weblogs.
YesBlogs - A feature rich blogging platform with private domain registration and a variety of templates created by artists. Different payment plans are available.
Zorpia.com - A free website to share unlimited photos, post journals and make friends. Customizable look and style.
blogHi! - A weblog publishing tool, a news aggregator, a weblog directory and a weblog search engine.
blogSpirit - Paid service with categories, tags, lists, and photo albums. Free trials are available.
blogigo - Features include future dating for posts, an image gallery, syndication, and visitor statistics.
moblogUK - Free moblogging service following Creative Commons attribution rules.
nuTang - A community. Browse through member weblogs, writings, profiles, guestbooks. Customizable. Plus, features internal messaging and buddy list systems.
pitas.com - Free hosting for weblogs and news sites. Supports both ftp and web-based editing. Features include templates, multiple editors, and a "yourname.pitas.com" sub-domain.
451 Press - Weblog network covering niche topics.
9rules Network - Blogging network containing content from independent authors.
B5media.com - Topical network of bloggers.
Creative Weblogging - A network of blogs catering to executives and individuals.
EducoPark: Important Lessons of Your Life - Social community where conscious people share their life lessons and thoughts about life.
Glam - A blog network featuring fashion, celebrity fashion, and style tips
Grand Effect - A network consisting of independent technology blogs.
My It Things - A blogging network published as a magazine. Categories are focused on entertainment and technology.
NinerNiner - Provides a collaborative weblog network.
OxBlogger.com - Free blogging network, which features a fully-functional social network, allowing bloggers to communicate, collaborate and share their passion.
Weblogs, Inc. - Creating trade weblogs across niche industries in which user participation is an essential component of the resulting product.
Yeepet - Pet related blogs and pet social network dedicated to pet lovers all over the world. Categories include pet fashion trends, green living, stories, pet care and more.
blogReaction - Provides a blogging network combined with free blog hosting on a customized platform. Features include search engine optimization and social sharing.
About.com - Weblogs - Articles, popular weblog profiles, tutorials, a forum, FAQ, and a weblog directory.
Ad Free Blog Organizaton - Banner for those who want to show they oppose corporate ads on blogs.
All Consuming - Aggregates books that are mentioned on weblogs and provides insight into what the weblog community is reading at the moment.
Being A Blogger - Features interviews of bloggers, articles about web logs, blogging, bloggers, online marketing, search engine optimization and freelancing tips.
Benjamin Christie: Food Blog Secrets - How to create a successful food weblog and retain a long term audience.
Blog Business World - Blogging about blogs in business, marketing, public relations, and search engine optimization for successful entrepreneurs
Blog Connection - Topical directory of blogging resources including templates, ad services and communities.
Blog Control - Reviews all things related to weblogs including (but not restricted to) hosting, tools, applications, and promotional sites.
BlogDay - One day annually, blog surfers will find themselves leaping and discovering new, unknown Blogs, celebrating the discovery of new people and new bloggers.
BlogPromo - A moderated mailing list for promoting blogs, weblogs, and online journals and diaries.
BlogShares - Fantasy weblog stock game, where weblog value is based on hits and links.
BlogWhale - An engine that tracks blogs and drives highly targeted organic traffic to the blogs that it tracks.
BlogWork - Listing weblog work and jobs.
Blogcount.com - Catalogs efforts to answer questions about the size and nature of the blogosphere.
Blogebrity - A tongue-in-cheek look at fame in the blogosphere.
Blogger Jobs - Listings of jobs for bloggers.
Blogger Talk - A blogging portal, offering bloggers support, advice, tools, tips and information about blogs and blogging.
BloggerCon - A conference about weblogs with a focus on weblogs in journalism, education, science, business and politics.
Bloggers Blog - Reports on blogging news and trends.
Blogging 101 - An overview of the development of weblogs and an introduction to the ways you might use a weblog.
Blogging Pro - A collection of links to blogging resources such as plugins, hacks, news, and themes.
CrispAds - Text advertising network allows bloggers to insert ads into their main site or RSS feeds.
CyberJournalist.net: A Bloggers' Code of Ethics - Created a model Bloggers' Code of Ethics, by modifying the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics for the weblog world.
Deconstructing "You've Got Blog" - Reading between the lines of Rebecca Mead's November 2000 New Yorker article on Weblog culture.
EFF: Bloggers' Rights - Electronic Frontier Foundation's basic roadmap to the legal issues you may confront as a blogger, to let you know you have rights, and to encourage you to weblog freely.
Hypergene MediaBlog - All about participatory journalism: how audiences are changing the future of news and information.
I'm Blogging That - Covering the latest news around the blogosphere, hot topics, blogging tips, and how to tutorials for managing WordPress blogs.
ISSN for Weblogs - How to sign up your weblog for an International Standard Serial Number, adding it to the standardized worldwide encyclopedia of periodicals.
Into the Blogosphere - An online, edited collection of essays which explores discursive, visual, social, and other communicative features of weblogs.
Into the Blogosphere: Rhetoric, Community, and Culture of Weblogs: Blogging as Social Action: A Genre Analysis of the Weblog - Paper by Carolyn R. Miller and Dawn Shepherd, North Carolina State University. "Why did blogging catch on so quickly and so widely? What motivates someone to begin and continue a weblog? What audience(s) do bloggers address? Who actually reads blogs and why? In short, what rhetorical work do blogs perform and for whom? And how do blogs perform this work? What features and elements make the weblog recognizable and functional? A genre analysis of the weblog will begin to answer these questions."
Journalism's New Life Forms - Links to various weblog resources and related items. Weblog news, not updated frequently.
K-Logs - A group dedicated to the discussion of weblogs for knowledge management and collaborative groupware within corporations and non-profit organizations.
Keep Trying - Mike Sanders looks at life through the weblog.
Live Journal Review - A weblog that primarily reviews online journals and weblogs and gives ratings and awards based on categories.
Mediajunk - A weblog-style site with news of blogging, new media, thin media, Google and other web stuff. Packaged and presented in Michael Heraghty's style.
Meryl's Notes - Notes on Web design, content, software processes, and other tidbits.
Pinoy Blogs - Aimed towards enlightening the world through our blogging, Blog ng Bayan is an online community Filipino bloggers.
Randgaenge - Writing about weblogs, online social networks, social software, knowledge sharing, online publishing, and software tools.
Rewrite - The search for innovation in newspapers. This weblog explores where we've gone wrong and what we're doing right, with an eye toward rewriting the future of newspapers.
The Blog Herald - A weblog on the world of blogging.
The Blogger Code - Esoteric way to describe different types of bloggers.
The Daily Meme - The one site you need for memes, quizzes and other writing suggestions for your web site.
The Social Software Weblog - Social software news. Community portals online.
Web Publishing Blog - Andrew's goal is to build Internet businesses that will be models to the future of publishing.
Weblog Kitchen: Weblog Theory - Addresses scholarship about wikis, weblogs, and related phenomena.
infOpinions - Robert French teaches and writes about public relations and multimedia at Auburn University in Alabama. This weblog is written primarily for his students but is available for all to read. Many posts are about blogging itself.
Ariadne - Weblog Search Engines - Phil Bradley looks at the developments occurring with weblogs and how to go about searching on or for them.
BlogPulse - An automated trend discovery system for blogs. It analyzes and reports on daily activity in the blogosphere.
Blogdigger - RSS search engine, providing full-text search, as well as metadata search on RSS information. It has link search funtionality, as well as searching by date, topic, title and other fields.
FeedBeagle.com - Customized news and feeds.
Google Blogsearch - The goal of Blog Search is to include every weblog that publishes a site feed (either RSS or Atom).
IceRocket Blog Search - Search can be restricted in several ways.
Plazoo - RSS search engine for news and blogs. Allows users to create personal RSS feeds on merged feeds, search results, and personal interest profiles.
Postami - Search blogs by keyword throughout the world.
Read A Blog - View new additions, most popular, top searches and recently viewed.
Technorati - Real-time search for user-generated media (including weblogs) by tag or keyword. Also provides popularity indexes.
WSJ.com - New Search Engines Help Users Find Blogs - "The race is on to become the Google of blogs." A number of small companies are working to track weblogs and their posts in nearly real time. (September 07, 2005)
5 Shades Templates - Templates for WordPress, Joomla, osCommerce and Mambo. Some templates are free for download, others cost money and are available for purchase.
Arcsin Web Templates - Free website templates, Wordpress themes and blogger templates based on CSS.
BlogSkins - Free skins for Blogger and Movable Type. Search interface for finding appropriate themes.
Blogs Gone Wild - Templates and skins for Blogger and Wordpress. Custom web graphics and weblog modifications. Custom content available for a fee, other content for free.
E.Webscapes - Offer website design services (specializing in weblog design) and custom weblog themes for major weblog systems.
Eye For Beauty - Free linkware weblog templates.
Firdamatic - Free online tableless 2 or 3 column weblog layout generator.
Free CMS Templates - offers free Joomla, Drupal and WordPress templates.
Free CSS Templates - Free CSS/XHTML templates and designs offered under the Creative Commons Attribution license.
Friendster Skin Design - Offers profile layout design for friendster.com members.
Friendster Skins - Provides a variety of friendster skins and animated pictures.
New Wordpress Themes - Free themes with keywords sorted into a tag cloud and a color selector.
Serendipity Templates - Offers free templates for the blogging software Serendipity.
Templates Industry - Offers free and professional templates for a variety of blogs and CMS types. Themes are searchable by tag. Custom template design services are also offered.
Theme Demon - Themes for WordPress that are both free and paid. Also templates for Xcart and CS-Cart.
Themes Club - Paid membership site that offers Joomla, Drupal and WordPress templates.
WP Salon - Standards-compliant free themes for WordPress, and a space for designers to submit their own.
WPDesignz - Company specializing in creation, installation and setup of WordPress templates. Other CMS systems supported as well. Prices begin in the hundred dollar plus range.
WishAFriend - Provides free templates, flash widgets, etc. for major holidays and every day use for users of myspace, blogs, and other social networking websites.
WordPress Themes Base - Large collection of free Wordpress themes. Features a theme searching system as well as theme organization by: category, most downloaded, and best rated.
createBlog.com - Free templates and tutorials for Xanga, MySpace, LiveJournal, and Blogger.
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