- 04.06.2014
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Интернет ресурсы. Полезные ссылки.
Anonymous Work Blogs Blogring - A blogring where the members blog anonymously about their lives at work.
Artist's Blogs - This ring is for artistic webloggers who want to share their thoughts, feelings, creative works with others. Visual artists, musicians, creative writers welcome.
Big Blogs - This webring for the blogs of BBW and BHMS. Your weblog doesn't have to have a lot of fat content, but you should be size accepting.
Blog*Spot - Sedicated exclusively to the variety of journals, rants, and other creations of BlogSpot users.
BlogPlates Net Ring - For designers with templates for weblogs/ journals.
BlogShares Web Ring - For blogs which have been listed and claimed at the fantasy stock market game site, BlogShares.
Blogging Blokes - A group of male bloggers. Members should probably like cars, football, and beer.
Blogrollers - A webring for bloggers using the Blogrolling system to maintain their list of reads.
Blogs Illustrated - Weblog ring specifically for blogs written/ run by artists, illustrators and amateurs, who illustrate their blogs/ lives with their own work. Using their weblog not just as a gallery for their work, but using their work to do the blogging.
Blogs That Flickr - Blogging webring for Flickr members.
Blogs and Blogging Webring - For anyone with a weblog or web journal. For non-commercial blogs.
Crochet Blogs - A web ring for crochet blogs.
Digi Scrap Blogs - For any digital scrapbookers or designers that have a weblog on the web.
Domain Whores - A webclique for people who own at least three domain names.
E-male - A showcase for men whose sites reflect their personality in ways which are male-rare. Filled with visual appeal and literary charm, they break preconceived molds allowing the world to take a gander at what makes them unique.
Fiber Arts Bloggers - For craftsfolk in textiles and fiber arts.
Fiction Bloggers - Websites containing blogs, live journals or online diaries operated by people who write fiction. It doesn't matter the kind of fiction you write (fan fiction or original fiction).
Foodbloggers - A webring dedicated to all those dedicated bloggers who take the time to tell us what they've been cooking, eating, smelling, tasting and touching.
GamerLogs - Brings together gamers with blogs, journals or logs. If you play console and PC games and love blogging about anything under the sun, then this ring is for you.
Heart of Garden - All blogs have quality content-articles, links, tips, recipes and other resources. Family friendly without rants.
IBloggers WebRing - A collection of sites using iBlog software for Macintosh.
Knits & Scraps Webring - This is a webring to bring together all those blogs that feature both knitting and scrapping content.
Legally Inclined Weblogs - A ring of attorneys, law students, and other legal professionals who maintain weblogs or personal websites.
Life Begins At 40 - For bloggers over the age of 40.
Oddbloggers - Blogs outside the norm in topic, design and/or structure. Preference given to anti-prohibition, anti-war, sex-positive writers.
Oh My Glasses - For bloggers who wear glasses.
PhotoBlog Ring - Ring for photobloggers.
Science Geek Clique - People who love science.
St. Blog's Parish - For Catholic bloggers.
Stitching Bloggers - For bloggers who cross stitch.
The Proud 2B Indian Clique - It doesn't matter where you live as long as your nationality is Indian.
Veggie Blogs - A webring for webloggers who happen to be vegetarian or vegan.
WedBlog - A ring especially for engaged and newlyweds who talk frequently about these things in the weblog.
ZardozZ OpenRing - Largest weblog ring in the RingSurf network +180 listed and growing.
10 Zen Monkeys - Collaborative web magazine with original articles about cyber-culture, politics, sex, popular culture, weird news, and interviews.
12 Blogs - Collects and presents headlines from twelve well-known weblogs.
Alien Jesus Collective - Political and social commentary.
American Madness - Criticism in the service of a better nation. Providing commentary and criticism on the media, politics, technology, and other issues of interest.
Blogit - Pay site to support the bloggers who participate in the group.
Bored - Full of links to keep everyone from falling asleep at their desks.
Dotcult - Community where everyone can speak their mind without being subject to the restrictions of mass media and politics.
Dyske.com - A collection of essays focused mainly on philosophy and art, but including business, politics and popular culture.
Floatzilla - Users submit links, and if the community finds them interesting or relevant, the links bubble up to the front page.
Geekswithblogs.net - Blogging about general geekiness and bloggability.
Husi - Open diarizing site where people talk about pretty much anything that pops into their head.
Idiosyncrasy - A collective of writers who are politically, philosophically, poetically, socially, and otherwise creatively minded.
JointEffects - Collaborative effort to provide some insight on what's going on in the minds of true California liberals who practice meditation and care about what others are feeling and thinking at this time in this world.
Killoggs - A web community made up of displaced and disaffected Southern artists, animators, writers and wage slaves. Plenty of art, opinions and cynicism.
Linkfilter - Users compete by contributing, moderating and discussing links filtered by several criteria.
Monday Missionaries - Group of bloggers answering a weekly set of questions from PromoGuy.
MonkeyFilter - Community postings that aim to find interesting, bizarre or just plain random links on the web, show off, and discuss them.
Nan Magazine - Amusing bits of information.
Netalive.org - An alternative to idiot-crowded web communities and spam-filled newsgroups.
New Links - Sharing new finds.
New World Odour - Feeble complaints about everything major and minor.
Online Epiphany - Community of webloggers who take roadtrips across North America and write about it. (Requires Internet Explorer)
PDC Bloggers - The developer community's collective voice.
PSFK - Trends in all kinds of areas.
Project Brainstorm - Original British comedy writing in a satirical and sometimes surreal style, with sketches, articles and news stories.
RRBBS - Personal happenings and commentary on news stories.
Radio Free Blogistan - About blogs, personal publishing, microcontent and micropublishing, online communities and syndication.
Revenews Blogging Community - Collaborative weblog by industry experts on online media, affiliate marketing, and e-commerce.
Rutless - Each day, six cast members assign random tasks to each other in order to stay away from repetitive daily routines.
Something Like Tripe - Aaron, Brandon, and Kira's writing.
The Corner - National Review Online's multi-author conservative weblog.
The Hatemonger's Quarterly - Writing about all the varied things they hate.
The Real World - Blogger Style - What happens when a group of people from different backgrounds decide to get together and share a weblog?
The Usual Suspects - A discussion forum for grumpy people.
ThingsAreGood.com - Dedicated to only good news on the international level. Examines culture and technology.
Threadbared - Combining their fondness for vintage sewing patterns with their need to be bitchy and mean and cruel.
Umair Haque's Bubblegeneration - Three authors write about business strategy, economics, innovation, and business models.
VoIP Blog - It has become nearly impossible to out-dumb the existing in new media, multimedia, monomedia, but this collaborative weblog gives it a try.
WFMU's Beware of the Blog - Radio station employees post mainly about current happenings and entertainment.
a boy and his computer - Current events and entertainment comment. With authors' minibios.
AdoptBlog.com - One couple's adoption journey.
Adoption Blog - Explores all aspects of adoption. Very thorough.
RKBlogs.com - The Adoption Blog Community - A collection of weblogs about adoptions worldwide.
A Journey into Learning - A blog created by the ICT Coordinator and Teacher working with ASD pupils at a Special Needs school in London, UK.
APE - the Asperger Parenting Experience - A parent carefully blogs about the methods used to raise his two children, one of whom has Asperger's Syndrome.
Adventures in Autism - A mother shares about her young son's trials with autism.
Autism Blog - A parent provides information for parents and teachers that might help a person with autism navigate this world.
Autism, Asperger's and more, oh my! - A blog spot to share insight, experiences and spread information about Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Biodiverse Resistance - A blogger who explores the universal parallels shared between autism, disabilities and injustice.
Left Brain/Right Brain - Blog on science and news related to Autism.
Odd One Out - A blogger diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome offers observations and comments on the world around her as well as links concerning the autism spectrum and her own special interests.
Stop. Think. Autism - A mother blogs with an optimistic outlook on the future of her autistic daughter.
The Quirk Factor - A mother of a boy with High-Functioning Autism and Tourette Syndrome humorously details his progress through the world.
Almost Somewhat Positive - Weblog by a mother who is "changing [her] pessimistic point of view, one positive thought at a time."
Another Online Mom - A blog written by Jen; sharing her daily trials and tribulations of being at home with two kids!
Badgermama - She raises a son, lives as a writer in San Francisco and attends PTA meetings where the other moms pretend they're not staring at her purple hair.
BeTwinned.com - An online magazine whose name was inspired by the song, "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered." Edited by a mother of twins, journalist Diana Day.
Boston Mommy - Archives of a now ended BostonHerald.com column by a local mother.
Busymom.net - Better parenting through coffee.
Covered in Drool - Journey through first-time motherhood. An insight into sleepless nights, amazing smells and worry.
Crunchy Carpets - Life at the Vancouver, Canada, home of "not so very efficient mom" to two small kids, cats, dog and work at home husband.
Crunchy Domestic Goddess - Personal reflections, post compilations, and research on natural parenting, including breastfeeding, homebirthing, and organic living.
Dead Bug - Written by a woman, age 35, trying to get pregnant.
Earnest Parenting - Personal weblog of a homeschooling mother of four boys, focusing on solving discipline problems and building loving homes.
Elementary Spirits - Mom blogger discusses homeschooling and everyday life raising two boys, one with special needs. Product reviews and giveaways.
Everyday Mommy - This is a simple little blog about our everyday life as an everyday family. I’ve tried to capture the serendipity of the moment, the memories which are passing more quickly each day. We desire to please God as a family and as parents to our son.
From the Cheap Seats - From the cheap seats, I write about life as a mom, wife, teacher, and everyday citizen with a sense of humor and a healthy dose of reality.
Fussy - An editor-turned-blogger takes on the struggle to live life as a thinking person while trying to get a small boy to school on time without dog biscuits in his teeth.
Her Bad Mother - Bad is the new good. A Mother in Toronto, Ontario.
Immomsdaughter - A mommy blog with a difference, it is a journal on my kids' milestones and my endless journey through mommyhood.
It's a Woman's World! - By mother of four and freelance writer Petula Wright. Topics include parenting ups and downs, book and product reviews, and everyday life. Also provides information about her writing services.
IzzyMom - A stay at home Mom of two writes about life with wit, humor and honesty.
Karen Sugarpants - A blog from the point of view of a Canadian Mother of two boys, one Good Child and one Troll Baby. She is married to a wonderful man who loves her with everything he has got.
Mama Needs a Cosmo - Humorous journal-style weblog by working mother, Kathleen B. Lancaster.
Mama Saga - One mother's journey through a deployment pregnancy, discovering baby has a heart defect, working at home, and beyond.
Mamadiary.com - A diary to keep every happy, funny and precious moment.
Manic Mommies - Erin and Kristin are working moms trying to balance careers, kids, husbands, and life.
Mom Writes - Mary Tsao is a stay-at-home Mother who lives in Silicon Valley with her engineer husband and their two toddlers.
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