- 04.06.2014
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Интернет ресурсы. Полезные ссылки.
Mom is Nutz - Personal weblog from a Mother in Georgia.
Mom to the Screaming Masses - Carmen is a stay-at-home Mom to six kids. She's a Starbucks addict and a huge fan of naps. When she's not scaling Mt. Laundry, cleaning, driving carpool, or cooking, she likes to read and run.
Mom with Attitude - Domestic goddess, maternal servant and armchair physician. Advocate for her autistic daughter.
Mom-101 - Humorous personal essays and some journaling on parenting and motherhood.
Mommy Bloggers - Our goal is to entertain our readers with personal stories from other Moms as well as to introduce our readers to these women in a more personal, intimate way that they may not have seen before.
Mommy Needs Coffee - A shameless Mommy blogger since 2003.
Motherhood Uncensored - Now with more nuts.
Mrs. Fussypants - Mom blogger who writes about her life as a mother, entrepreneur, and wife. Includes photoshopped pictures and regular features such as "Fight the Frump" and "The Gentle Art of Ruling One's Husband."
My Mom's Blog by Thoroughly Modern Millie - At 81 years young, Millie Garfield is one of the Internet's oldest bloggers, according to The Ageless Project.
My Mommy's Place - Offering Mothers an online community where they may inform, inspire and empower each other to be their best for their children.
My Skepsi - The musings and mishaps of a super Mom in training.
Notes from the Trenches - Over-educated Mother of six boys and one girl, struggling to stay sane despite the efforts of her children.
Plain Jane Mom - My life in California with Mr. Plain and our sons Mike, Robbie, and Chip. I apologize in advance if proper use of commas and other punctuation is important to you.
Scary Mommy - Personal weblog with a humorous style. Also features blogging tips.
Scribbit - A blog about motherhood in Alaska, with a focus on crafts, recipes, writing, and giveaways.
Suburban Bliss - Birth control via the written word.
Suburban Turmoil - Combine a two-year-old daughter, 15 and 13-year-old stepdaughters, an alpha male husband, a braying beagle, a bunch of annoying neighbors and a 30-year-old woman trying to make them all happy and look damn good in the process.
Sweetney.com - Tales and thoughts of a thirty-something hip Mama in Baltimore.
Syn's Life - A work at home mom's life, opinions, reviews, and blended family.
Table for Five - The life of a stay-at-home-mom, Elizabeth, her husband, two boys and toddler daughter. This weblog also has book and product reviews and photos.
Teaching Two - Resources & thoughts from a stay at home mother & teacher.
The Mommy Blog - Journal-style blog by Mindy Roberts, author of Mommy Confidential: Adventures From the Wonderbelly of Motherhood. Adventures of a divorced, single mom to three young children.
The Mommy Blogger - A blog about parenting from a Mother's point of view.
The Natural Mommy - A Christian mother, environmentalist and believer in attachment parenting talks about her children and her life.
The Story of Cavan - A Singapore mom's weblog about the surprise entrance of a baby into her and her husband's lives.
This Full House - A full-frontal encounter into Liz's life as a Mom with four children, two cats, one super hyper sock-eating chocolate lab and too damned much laundry.
To Think Is To Create - A mom, a California girl living in a Midwest world, writes about her life and her three boys with autism.
WackyMommy.org - The weblog of Wacky Mommy, including her Friday Advice Column for Wacky Mothers and Others, the Tuesday Recipe Club, and frequent postings about the wacky world of motherhood.
Wisconsin Mommy - a mommy's point of view on life and products - Anecdotes of family life in Wisconsin with occasional local highlights and product reviews.
Wonder Mom - Kris, Mom to Ben, John and Ava, wife to Brian. Living north of Boston.
Woulda Coulda Shoulda - Mir is trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up-despite already being a divorced 30-something with two small, demanding creatures underfoot.
ZannaLand - Keeping Up With the Charmings - ZannaLand covers one mom's experiences as a former travel agent and Walt Disney World cast member turned stay-at-home mom of 3. Disney memories, kids crafts and activities, recipes, pictures, vacation planning and more.
moms crazy life - A very opinionated site regarding mothers and working mothers. Advice given as well as some insight on certain subjects.
LocalMommy - Older and New Mommy Blog Advice and Fun. She raised 4 children to adulthood. [RSS]
Raisin Toast - From home improvement nightmares to restaurant reviews around Charlotte, homeschooling to fine art, Susan keeps her family of 6 on their toes. But it's all rib-tickling fun. [RSS]
Rebel Dad - A weblog by an at-home father. Covers mentions of stay-at-home dads in the media and in society in general.
A Family Runs Through It - Stay-at-home dad's view of family life in north Idaho.
Adventures of A Stay At Home Dad - Included are (mis)adventures in raising a child, figuring out how to provide for my family financially, and random musings on everything from business, humor, religion and politics.
Almighty Dad - Practical parenting advice and reviews from a home schooling father of two boys.
AtHomeDaddy - Documenting aspects of the lives of a stay-at-home Dad, the Boss Lady, 2 kids, The Big White Dog and 2 Worthless Cats.
Blogging the Children - Raising children through the eyes of a stay-at-home-dad. [Atom]
Cynical Dad - Chronicles the adventures of a daughter, son, and their stay-at-home dad.
Daddy Do My Socks Match? - Toby Swager writes of being a full-time dad for 10 years.
Frenzied Daddy - Russ Gilman-Hunt writes about dadhood in his weblog.
Frenzied Daddy - Russ Gilman-Hunt writes about dadhood in his weblog. [RSS] [Atom]
Growing Up Daddy - Stories, opinions, and random thoughts about being a Stay At Home Dad.
Homo Domesticus - Life and times of a stay-at-home dad from Texas.
In the Schutte House - Trials and tales of a stay at home father of two small children.
Laid-Off Dad - Observations about life and the kid.
Long Island Dad - Weblog detailing the triumphs and trials of one Long Island dad along with tips, stories and some personal reflection.
Long Island Dad - Weblog detailing the triumphs and trials of one Long Island dad along with tips, stories and some personal reflection. [Atom]
Patriside - A single full-time dad's weblog.
Patriside - A single full-time dad's weblog. [Atom]
Real Men Stay Home - The journey of one father from management lackey to stay-at-home dad.
Tales of a new Father - Tales of a new Father is a place where you will find daily excerpts, stories, tips, tricks, trials and successes of a new dad.
The Daily Yak - Thoughts and adventures of a stay-at-home dad.
The Planet of Us - The rant of a stay-at-home dad who would rather be on the web than do the laundry.
TruckinDaddy - The experiences of AtHomeDaddy and a 1968 Chevy pickup truck.
A Family Runs Through It - Stay-at-home dad's view of family life in north Idaho. [RSS]
AtHomeDaddy - Documenting aspects of the lives of a stay-at-home Dad, the Boss Lady, 2 kids, The Big White Dog and 2 Worthless Cats. [RSS]
Homo Domesticus - Life and times of a stay-at-home dad from Texas. [RSS]
Laid-Off Dad - Observations about life and the kid. [RSS]
Rebel Dad - A weblog by an at-home father. Covers mentions of stay-at-home dads in the media and in society in general. [RSS]
The Daily Yak - Thoughts and adventures of a stay-at-home dad. [RSS]
TruckinDaddy - The experiences of AtHomeDaddy and a 1968 Chevy pickup truck. [RSS]
Along Zalandra Terrace - Tales of hauntings, personal mysteries, premonitions and remembrances.
Anotherealm - Speculative fiction zine specializing in science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories of up to 5,000 words.
Bewildering Stories - Bewildering Stories publishes short and flash fiction and serialized novels and novellas, as well as some articles and essays, mostly connected with fantasy and science fiction.
Black Bird - Black Bird publishes fiction, poetry, and non fiction twice a year. They publish only high quality work, and their web site is one of the most aesthetically pleasing you will find online.
Blithe House Quarterly - Features a diversity of new short stories by emerging and established lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered authors.
Bygone Days - Features historical fiction, short stories, editorials, and articles.
Elbow Creek - Publishes western fiction, poetry and related articles about the American West during the 1800's.
Every Day Fiction - Delivers a new short-short story (1,000 words or fewer) of any genre every day.
Flash Fiction Online - Short fiction zine specializing in stories of 1,000 or fewer words ("flash fiction"). Publishes science fiction, literary fiction, fantasy, etc. Pays professional rates.
Flash Me Magazine - One of the longest-running zines dedicated to flash fiction -- stories of 1,000 words or fewer. Open to all genres.
Hackwriters - Publishes fiction, travel essays, and other commentaries.
InterText - Quarterly online fiction magazine.
InterText - Online fiction magazine. Published through 2004, archives still available.
Ramble Underground - Fiction & Poetry - We seek to publish Short Fiction and Poetry that defies the mainstream. We present new fiction and poetry quarterly and host a semi annual short fiction contest.
Short Fiction World - Quarterly publication of short fiction in a variety of genres, including literary fiction.
SmokeLong Quarterly - Publishes a variety of flash fiction.
The Barcelona Review - International online review of contemporary fiction in English, Spanish and Catalan.
The Copperfield Review - A quarterly online literary journal devoted to historical fiction.
The Summerset Review - Quarterly e-zine of short stories and essays.
Underground Voices - Underground Voices publishes fiction, Poetry, and non fiction on a monthly basis. Their selections usually involve mental illness, addiction, or otherwise underground themes. The work is always quality and never boring. They also publish an annual print edition with reprints form their web edition and other originals.
rumble - THE Micro-fiction e-zine publishing a variety of short fiction, poetry, and art.
Absinthe - Literary journal publishing contemporary European writing in English translation. Online issues, subscriptions, submissions, and contacts.
Alaska Quarterly Review - Literary journal devoted to contemporary literary art, publishing fiction, short plays, poetry, and literary non-fiction in traditional and experimental styles. Reviews, information on the current issue, author index, and writers' guidelines.
Ascent Aspirations - Online and print quarterly review of short fiction and poetry. Current issue, archives, submissions and contests.
Atlantic Online - A regularly updated companion web site to the magazine Atlantic Monthly. Includes fiction, featured articles and reviews.
Backwards City Review - Greensboro, North Carolina journal publishing fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, comic-lit and graphic narrative, and art. Submissions, subscriptions, contests, and a weblog.
Ballyhoo Stories - A print literary journal with companion Web site featuring fiction and creative nonfiction.
Barrelhouse - Featuring fiction and poetry from new and established writers. On the site: new fiction, submissions guidelines, and the literary dodgeball challenge.
Bellevue Literary Review - Journal of humanity and human experience. News, how to submit a manuscript, and an events calendar.
Bellowing Ark - Bi-monthly tabloid featuring poetry, short fiction, serialized epics and novels. Submissions, subscriptions, and online issues.
Bikwil - A bi-monthly magazine available by paid subscription or for download on the net.
Blood Ink - Quarterly student literary magazine at the University of Alberta. Submissions, issues, and call for volunteers.
Boston Review - The online version of the print magazine which has been, since 1975, an award-winning forum for political, cultural and literary ideas.
Brick - Information on the current issue, list of contributors, and submission guidelines.
Bust Down the Door and Eat All the Chickens - Massachusetts-based zine for absurd and surreal fiction and poetry. Orders, guidelines, and links.
Cabinet Magazine - Showcasing conceptual art, literature and essays. Issue samples, news, purchasing and submission information, and themes.
Caveat Lector - Online version of the magazine dedicated to fiction, poetry, philosophy, and the arts.
Central Sierra Seasons - Offers a free copy and subscription information for the Sierra Foothills magazine that showcases the talents of the area's artists, photographers and writers.
Chain - Journal of experimental and cross-genre writing. Subscriptions, submissions and links.
Chelsea - Publishing literature with an emphasis on translations, art, and cross-cultural exchange since 1958. Current issue, submission and subscription details, and the Chelsea Award for Poetry.
Clamor Magazine - A magazine of politics and culture.
Conjunctions - A publisher of new fiction, poetry, art and interviews.
Conjunctions - Publisher of new fiction, poetry, art, and interviews. Samples from past issues, author index, and submission guidelines.
Dislocate - Print and online journal published by graduate students at the University of Minnesota. Current issue, archives, and submission information.
ESC! Magazine - Hybrid print and electronic literary magazine for aspiring writers and artists.
Evergreen Review - Offers classic Beat stories and articles as well as the latest cutting edge literature and art.
Five Points - Submission guidelines, gallery of past artwork, and sample work from the current issue.
Flyway Literary Journal - Iowa State University's professional literary journal. Samples, contests, submissions and subscriptions.
Four Hundred Words - Small journal of micro-narrative fiction. Submission guidelines, excerpts from current issue, and a list of shops that carry the publication.
Fugue - Online edition of the print journal published by the University of Idaho.
Grain Magazine - "The freshest poetry and fiction anywhere." Published in Canada, but has an international list of authors.
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