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Granta - Quarterly magazine of new writing, with details of the latest issue, extracts from back issues, submission and subscription information and special features.
Harper's - The website of the popular magazine includes the Harper's Index; visitor-submitted statistics.
Harpur Palate - Binghamton University's literary journal, publishing fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Submissions, subscriptions, contests, and samples.
Hayden's Ferry Review - Arizona State University's award-winning national literary magazine, with fiction, poetry, essays, interviews and art.
Heat Magazine - Australian literary magazine featuring writing by emerging and established international writers.
Hobart - Sporadically published journal of fiction, art and reviews. Submission and subscription information and online excerpts.
Hunger Magazine - Award winning international journal with a bent for forms of language and image experiments with an edge.
Journal of Experimental Fiction - Online version of the print publication.
Kenyon Review - Publishes emerging writers, especially from diverse communities.
Literal Latte - The online version of the New York-based magazine of prose, poetry and art, featuring established and new writers.
Literary Liaisons - Australian e-zine offering author interviews and profiles, book reviews, and news and commentary.
New England Review - Featuring sample works of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction from the respected print quarterly, plus submission guidelines and ordering information.
New Millennium Writings - A twice-annual journal filled with vibrant imagery and word-craft.
Newark Review - A journal for New Jersey authors and artists, with poetry, prose, and images.
Night Train - A biannual print magazine of literary fiction.
North Hills Spectrum - Official website of the North Hills annual literary and arts publication. Review older issues or, if you are a fellow North Hills student, submit your own work to print. Issues sold at May Arts Alive.
Numb Magazine - Subscriptions and online excerpts from the arts and literature quarterly.
One Story - Publishing one short story every three weeks. Submission guidelines, how to subscribe, excerpts of past stories, and information on their readings.
Open City Magazine - Dedicated to publishing today's best new fiction, poetry, and essays by writers whose bold voices may be too daring and cutting-edge for mainstream publishing.
Open Minds Quarterly - Featuring the writing of survivors of mental illness. Subscriptions, submissions, and contests.
Outercast - Each issue featuring ten stories from writers all over the world. Submissions, ordering, and authors list.
Oyster Boy Review - Current issue, submission guidelines, subscriptions, and links.
Painted Bride Quarterly - Online and print annual of poetry, fiction, essays and art.
Philadelphia Stories - Literature, poetry, essays, and true stories of the Delaware Valley. Published quarterly.
Pilgrimage - Personal practical writings reflecting on the human journey, including poetry, philosophy, essays, articles, reflections on the human journey.
Pilgrimage Magazine - Twice-yearly publication of literature and art from the American Southwest and beyond. With submission and subscription information and online samples.
Post Road Magazine - Biannual literary magazine featuring new fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art and theatre pieces.
Potomac Review - A quarterly magazine for contributions of poets, writers, artists.
Prism International - Established in 1959, publishes new and established writers from around the world.
Problem Child - Penn State's alternative literary magazine. Publishes poetry, short stories, photos, drawing, and anything else reproducable.
Provincetown Arts - Annual journal focusing broadly on artists, performers, and writers who inhabit or visit Cape Cod. Submission and subscription information available.
Qwerty - Named after the first six letters on a keyboard. Selections from the print journal.
Raving Dove - Online humanitarian journal; with membership and submission details.
River Styx Magazine - A small print journal of poetry, essays and art.
Rosebud Magazine - Quarterly magazine of poetry and short stories.
Salt Fork Review - The website for a small literary tabloid publishing original fiction, poetry, and non-fiction, has submission and ordering information.
Scrawl - A magazine and companion webzine dedicated to writers and readers of literature, includes interviews and features highlighting the importance of the written word.
Sensations Magazine - NJ-based literary review of poetry, fiction, and thematic research. Submissions, subscriptions, and event information.
Shenandoah - Literary magazine of the Washington and Lee University, publishing poems, stories, essays and reviews. Selected works, submission guidelines, frequently asked questions, and a list of annual prizes.
Silent Voices - Annual literary journal and nationwide anthology of collected short stories. Ordering and submission information, contests, and links.
Sleepingfish - Print digest of experimental short fiction, art, and visual poetry. Samples, reviews, submissions, and sales.
Snow Monkey - An eclectic print magazine published three times a year. Fiction and poetry from hardcopy issues, plus ordering and submission information.
Space: New Writing - Literary annual published by Whitmore Press. Issue archives, submissions, orders, and links.
Spoon River Poetry Review - A publication of established and emerging poets.
StringTown - Annual magazine of poetry and fiction available in independent bookstores throughout the Northwest. Subscriptions, submissions, and online samples.
Swink Magazine - Excerpts of fiction, essays and poetry from the magazine, as well as writers' guidelines and contact information.
Taddle Creek - Canadian literary magazine publishing fiction and poetry by writers from across Toronto.
The American Poetry Review - Bimonthly issues of original poetry, literary criticism, interviews, essays and social commentary.
The Baltimore Review - National journal of poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction. Information on their competitions, news, excerpts, and writers' guidelines.
The Believer Magazine - Advertising free magazine features essays, book reviews, interviews ,charts, uncopyrighted ideas free for the taking, as well as more timely features that profile the latest in power tools, mammals, motels, lights, and children.
The Beloit Poetry Journal - Samplings of poetry and reviews, subscription and submission information, news, and on-line discussion of the quarterly publications works.
The Chattahoochee Review - Current issue, list of upcoming events, how to subscribe, and links.
The Columbia Review - Annual literary journal of Columbia University. Includes some back issues in PDF format.
The Deepening - Short stories from all fiction genres. Subscriptions, submissions, online issues, and a weblog.
The Goose Magazine - Absurdist Harvard literary zine, in print and online, publishing fiction and art. Past issues available in PDF format.
The Hinterland Online - An online digest of the freely distributed toronto-based lit/art magazine.
The Literary Saloon - Opinionated commentary weblog on literary matters, from the Complete Review.
The New Yorker - Online version of the weekly magazine, with current articles, cartoons, blogs, audio, video, slide shows, an archive of articles and abstracts back to 1925.
The Oxford American - Writing and art from or about the South. Published bimonthly.
The Paris Review - The online edition of the notorious and respected literary magazine.
The Poet's Haven - Publishes poetry, artwork, stories, reviews, and essays. Also hosts message forums and a chat room.
The SiNK - Submission guidelines, subscription information, contact names, and excerpts.
The Sun - The website contains excerpts from each monthly issue of the magazine, as well as subscription information and newsstand locations.
The Threepenny Review - The web site for the prestigious quarterly literary magazine features selections from past and current issues, a gallery of cover art, a message from the magazine's editor, subscription and advertising instructions.
The White Crow - Poetry and short fiction selections from the print publication.
Tickled by Thunder - Publishes fictional magazine and chapbooks. Includes details of products, services, and writing contests.
Tin House - A quarterly which publishes fiction, poetry and essays by new and established writers: includes samples and subscription information.
Transmission - Manchester, UK magazine publishing short stories, articles, and artwork. Sample writing, submissions, and sales.
Tulane Review - Information about the biannual publication of the Tulane Literary Society.
Universal Citizen - A quarterly non-fiction journal with a real-world, hands-on approach.
VerbSap - Online magazine anthologized in print, featuring concise prose and nonfiction writing. Stories, contest and submission information, and anthology orders.
Wordwrights - Nationally distributed magazine of poetry and prose.
Yellow Silk: Journal of Erotic Arts - International journal of fine arts, photography, fiction, poetry, and essays. Archives only.
Zoetrope - Short-fiction magazine founded by Francis Coppola. Features online submissions and reviews of short stories and novellas.
Zyzzyva - Website of the internationally noted literary magazine.
spork - Journal of innovative writing.
Бабия Алексей - Cобрание сочинений с комментариями и литературоведческим анализом, выполненными автором.
Берман Михаил - Стихи и проза Бермана Михаила.
Бильджо Андрей - Карикатуры, музыка, статьи, мультики, книга для детей.
Галихин Сергей - Фантастика, мистика, приключения, повести, романы, рассказы, новеллы, стихи, информация, фотографии.
Давидов Юлий - Стихи, проза, посвящения.
Дашевский Александр - Видеоарт, интернет-кино, графика, сценарии, проза писателя Александра Дашевского.
Ибрагимов Сагынбай - Проза, поэзия, эссеистика, публицистика.
Колбасов Владимир - Персональный сайт художника Владимира Колбасова. Галерея работ, биография, стихи, публикации.
Лаврова Татьяна - Стихи, тексты песен, рассказы, загадки, сказки. Поделки и игрушки.
Левин Александр - Авторские стихотворения, музыка, статьи и рецензии.
Мареев Павел - Песни, стихи и рассказы Павла Мареева
Мартызенски Николай - Сборники стихов, рассказы, переводы с английского, отзывы, спецпроекты.
Мун Лина - Стихи, переводы и рассказы.
Недвига Александр - Поэтическое, песенное и музыкальное творчество Александра Недвиги
Румега Александр - Стихотворения, рассказы, публицистические статьи Александра Юрьевича Румеги
Савенков Анатолий - Музыкальные пародии, авторские песни, инструментальная музыка, фото, игры, юмор
Стафеев Анатолий - Поэзия и проза Анатолия Стафеева. Статьи о поэзии.
Шепелева Анастасия - Графический дизайн, веб-дизайн, иллюстрации. Авторские рассказы, стихи, переводы.
A Commonplace Book - A monthly webzine of humor, dreams, inspiration, essays, fiction, recipes, art and features.
AvivaLasVegas - A webzine that provides news, features, commentary, forums and links on current events and culture. A "virtual world to fun, decadence, style and sex".
Barbelith - Weblog-style columns provided by regular contributors.
CenterStage1 - Artist showcases in the genres of film, fashion, poetry, music, drama, and dance, plus an Internet soap opera.
CollegeStories.com - Narratives that represent, and create the college experience, from drunken, crazy tales of debauchery to sweet stories of collegiate romance.
Creationflux - An on-line gallery exposing digital art.
Friction Magazine - Intelligent and insightful commentary, articles and research for the independent minded reader.
Magellan's Log - A wide-ranging webzine with a maverick view of culture past, present, and future.
Medianstrip - A website, containing words; collaborative design and writing.
Notes in a Bottle - Analysis and commentary on the quirks and twists of contemporary life.
Other Voices - Regularly publishes provocative essays, interviews, lecture transcriptions, hypermedia projects, translations and reviews in the arts and humanities.
Salon - The online arts and culture magazine, with regular features on or by various literary luminaries.
Sinequanon - A monthly Italian webzine featuring articles on travelling, literature, food and wine, cinema, performing arts and lifestyle.
State of unBeing - A zine from the minds at Apocalypse Culture Productions that covers everything from politics and religion to literary trash.
The Exquisite Corpse - "Caters to the craven complexes of overeducated esthetes while also pleasing the autodidact lumpenproletariat."
The Liberator - A webzine dedicated to those seeking enlightenment which includes arresting articles, hilarious humor, and provocative pictures.
The PostModern LitterBox - Originally a zine created by a few students of Slippery Rock University, PA, circulated throughout campus but now exclusively available online.
Tweak - Stories, essays and interviews from "a group of writers and artists and geeks who believe the media is on shaky ground."
Whatever Magazine - A webzine of regular columns and features on cultural issues.
WireTap Magazine - Independent information source by and for socially conscious youth.
digittante - Writing and art, published regularly.
pulp magazine - Magazine, zine culture and arts society writing.
spudWorks - Weekly articles ranging from self-important media rants to pseudo-lit short stories.
xylostyle - A quarterly webzine of fashion, design, nutrition, sports, media and arts.
AutoWeek.com - The online version of the weekly auto magazine.
AllCarCentral.com - Provides auto news, show and race reports, and a database of automotive photos and information covering popular automobile makes and model years.
Auto Evolution - Features test drives, automotive and motorsport news, spyshots, auto guides, editorials and a vehicle database featuring cars, motorcycles and trucks.
AutoSpies.com - Delivering daily auto news, spy shots, photos and coverage of major car shows from around the world.
AutoTalk - Provides auto news, reviews, photo galleries, and how-to articles. Also features a discussion board.
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