- 04.06.2014
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Интернет ресурсы. Полезные ссылки.
Berkley Electronic Press (bepress) - Publishes peer-reviewed electronic journals and develops software for scholarly publishing. Also hosts searchable institutional repositories.
Directory of Open Access Journals - Categorized, searchable links to free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals.
EBSCO Online - An electronic journals service available to both academic and corporate subscribers. It aggregates access to electronic journals from various publishers.
Elsevier - Information on journals in a wide range of academic fields. Includes subscription details, author information and online access for subscribers.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited - Publisher of journals in management and library and information services, engineering, applied science and technology.
Gateway Service Center of Chinese and Korean Academic Journal Publications - Provides free delivery of full-text copies of Chinese-language and Korean-language academic journal articles not otherwise available to researchers in the United States.
Genamics JournalSeek - Database of thousands of journals. Main focus on Scientific disciplines, but listings are not exclusive.
GetCited.org - Database of journals and corporate publications, searchable by a number of criteria. Also features discussion forum for researchers.
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) - Information on the ISSN, which identifies periodicals worldwide, whether in printed form or other media (including online).
NewJour - Searchable directory of new online journals and newsletters.
Open Journal Systems - An open source journal management and publishing system that has been developed by the federally funded Public Knowledge Project. List of features, documentation, online demonstration, and download. [GLP]
Periodicals Index Online - Provides over 9 million article records, covering journals and periodicals from 1770 to 1990 in the arts, social sciences and humanities. Published online by Chadwyck-Healey. Subscription required but a free trial is available.
Project Muse - Subscription based academic journals site with 250 quality titles from over 40 publishers. Articles can be searched by keyword or phrase, including Boolean qualifiers. Free samples.
Serials in Cyberspace - Links to sites dealing with electronic journals.
The Internet Directory of Publications - A free online directory of publications: journals, newspapers, magazines, newsletters.
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (TOMCCAP) - An ACM journal focusing on different aspects of multimedia and its applications. The website includes links about online issue, editorial board and process, submission information, subscription information.
Acta Informatica - Covers design, description, presentation and analysis of programs, information structures and computing systems. Abstracts available, subscription for full-text articles.
Advances in Multimedia - A Hindawi peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of multimedia. The website contains all the published articles and they are all open access.
Algorithmica - A journal about the design of algorithms in many applied and fundamental areas. Abstracts available, subscription for full-text articles.
Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science - A peer-reviewed on-line journal in theoretical computer science. Includes archived articles from 1995 to 2000.
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing - Bimonthly devoted to the three areas of combinatorics, probability theory and theoretical computer science.
Computational Complexity - At the interface between mathematics and theoretical computer science. Abstracts available, subscription for full-text articles.
Computational Statistics - Focuses on the contribution of computing to statistics and vice versa in variety of fields of statistics. Publisher's site: abstracts, with full text for subscribers.
Computer Journal - Publishes articles across a wide range of computer science areas.
Computing - Covers research results in numerical computing and informatics.
Computing Reviews - Publishes reviews on current publications in any area of the computing sciences.
Current Cites - A monthly selection of annotated citations of current literature in information technology. Searchable online and available by email.
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity - A forum about computational complexity supervised by a scientific board. Provides on-line research reports, surveys and books.
IBM Journal of Research and Development - Publishes technical papers on the technology and science of information systems. Since 2009, the IBM Systems Journal has been included. Besides an online archive submission and subscription conditions are provided.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications - Contents from vol.15 (1995). Full text to subscribers.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia - Includes description and scope of the journal, author and submission information, link to IEEE Xplore digital library, and special issues.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics - Full text to subscribers.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking - Covers network architecture and management, protocols, software and services.
IT Now (Formerly, Computer Bulletin) - The membership magazine of the British Computer Society with the aim of spreading awareness of professional issues, IT innovations and technological developments. Full text online.
Informatica - Mathematical simulation and optimization, recognition and control, programming theory and systems, automation systems and elements. Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius, Lithuania. Tables of contents and abstracts from vol.9 (1998), some articles on-line in PDF.
Informatica - An international journal of Computing and Informatics published by the Slovene Informatika Society. Tables of contents and abstracts from vol.17 (1993).
Information and Computation - Covers all areas of theoretical computer science and computational aspects of information theory.
Inria - Infoweb - List of 300 computer science journals (articles are usually available electronically by subscription).
International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) - A Springer journal focusing on the computer vision aspect of Multimedia. Its website contains information range from the aim and scope of the journal, its impact factor, call for special issues, online issues to submission and subscription information.
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science - (World Scientific) Tables of contents and abstracts from vol.10 (1999) on. Full text to subscribers or by individual purchase.
International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science - Subscription and author information. First issue planned for January 2006.
Journal of Algorithms - Includes mathematically oriented contributions on discrete and finite algorithms.
Journal of Computer and System Sciences - A bimonthly journal covering computer and system sciences and their underlying mathematical theory.
Journal of Functional Programming - Devoted to this important area of computer science and spans the range from mathematical theory to industrial practice.
Journal of Logic and Computation - Promotes the growth of logic and computing. The bulk of the content is technical scientific papers, letters, reviews, and discussions, as well as relevant conference reviews, are included.
Journal of Symbolic Computation - Presents research on algorithmic treatment of symbolic objects including objects in formal languages, algebraic objects, and geometrical objects.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT) - Peer-reviewed electronic research journal with aim of promoting and publishing original high quality research dealing with theoretical and scientific aspects in all disciplines of Information Technology.
Journal of Universal Computer Science - A monthly on-line journal covering all aspects of computer science. Tables of contents and abstracts of all volumes. Full text to subscribers only.
Knowledge Engineering Review - Committed to the development of the field of artificial intelligence and the clarification and dissemination of its methods and concepts.
LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics - An electronic journal published by the London Mathematical Society covering all areas where mathematics and computation meet.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science - A volume series which publishes workshop and conference proceedings as well as monographs in computer science and its subfields.
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science - A journal of theoretical computer science which focuses on the application of ideas from the structural side of mathematics and mathematical logic to computer science.
Multimedia Tools and Applications - A Springer journal that publishes original research articles on multimedia development and system support tools as well as case studies of multimedia applications.
Natural Language Engineering - Meets the needs of professionals and researchers working in all areas of computerised language processing. Editorial board, pricing, advertising rates, instructions for contributors and full text online.
Nelson H. F. Beebe's Bibliographies Page - List of 100 journals, with completed and corrected bibliographies and links to the homepages.
Organised Sound - An international journal which focuses on the rapidly developing methods and issues arising from the use of technology in music today.
Reliable Computing - An international journal devoted to reliable mathematical computations based on finite representations and guaranteed accuracy. Tables of contents. Full text to subscribers.
Robotica - Aims to be a forum for the multidisciplinary subject of robotics and encourage developments in this important field of automation with regard to industry, health, education and research.
SIAM Journal on Computing - Contains research articles on the mathematical and formal aspects of computer science and nonnumerical computing.
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Series Informatica - Tables of contents from vol.36 (1991) on.
Theoretical Computer Science - Covers the mathematical and theoretical basis of computer science.
Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Publishes original research in the area of theoretical computer science and its applications.
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming - Among the topics covered are AI applications that use logic programming, natural language processing, knowledge representation, nonmonotic reasoning, databases, implementations and architectures and constraint logic programming.
Theory of Computing Systems - Publishes research in all areas of theoretical computer science. Tables of contents from vol.29 (1996) on; full text to subscribers.
Upgrade: The European Journal for the Informatics Professional - A bimonthly technical, independent, non-commercial, and freely distributed electronic publication.
Visual Computer - Dedicated to reporting on the state-of-the-art technology in the fields of computer vision, graphics, and imaging including applications.
Academic Exchange Quarterly - Peer-reviewed quarterly publishes articles that contribute to effective instruction and learning regardless of level or subject.
Academic Leadership - The Online Journal - Articles and Essays for those in academic leadership roles - from unit coordinators to university presidents.
American Journal of Education - AJE, quarterly, encourages a dialogue between educational scholars and practitioners. From the University of Chicago Press.
American School Board Journal - Editorially independent education journal published monthly attempting to interpret issues and offer practical advice.
Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching - A free and refereed online journal dedicated to the dissemination of innovative methods for the learning and teaching of science in schools.
Asian EFL Journal - An international refereed journal, indexed in SSCI, covering empirical research and development in Second Language Learning and Acquisition across Asia. Edited by EFL scholars.
Australian Journal of French Studies - A forum for scholarly research in French literature, arts and culture.
Contemporary Educational Psychology - Author information, subscription details and online access for subscribers for this journal which publishes articles covering the application of psychological theory and science to the educational process.
Current Issues in Education - A peer-reviewed scholarly journal available in full text without cost. Published by the College of Education at Arizona State University.
EdResearch Online - EdResearch Online is a searchable database containing thousands of research articles and documents. Abstracts are free, articles must be purchased. It is an online subset of the Australian Education Index.
Education Guardian - Higher Education - Provides news, features and comment with university performance indicators and surveys, guides, special reports and Jobmatch academic job listings. Email news summaries.
Education Policy Analysis Archives - A peer-reviewed scholarly electronic journal publishing education policy analysis since 1993.
Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) - Search a bibliographic database of more than 1.1 million citations on education topics going back to 1966. Over 100,000 full text available for free.
Education Review - A scholarly journal of reviews of new books in education.
Education Today - Magazine published monthly during the school year for teachers and other education professionals in Australia. Contents lists and some other information offered online.
Education Week and Teacher Magazine - Articles focus on educational reform, schools, and the policies that guide them.
English Discourse - Presents e-journals of teaching and research, primarily in English Composition.
Freire Online Journal - Publishes articles in the tradition of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire. Includes access to back issues and information on submitting.
Harvard Education Letter - A bimonthly newsletter in education; covers timely topics in depth and explores issues from the perspectives of both research and practice. Current issue contents, either as full text or abstracts, and special web features.
Harvard Educational Review - A scholarly journal on education; provides an interdisciplinary forum for discussion and debate about education's most vital issues. Founded in 1930, the Review has become one of the most prestigious journals in education, for researchers, administrators, and teachers.
Innovate - Peer-reviewed e-journal with articles that assist educators as they face the challenge of integrating information technology tools into teaching and into managing educational organizations. Requires free registration for article access.
International Journal of Education and the Arts - Includes articles, abstracts, editors, and information on how to subscribe.
Journal of Adventist Education - A professional journal for Seventh-day Adventist teachers from kindergarten through university level, as well as educational administrators at all levels.
Journal of Extension - This electronic journal is the peer reviewed publication of the Cooperative Extension System.
Journal of Extension Systems - A biannual international journal dedicated to the cause of advancing understanding of extension systems through empirical investigations, theoretical analyses, and practical experiences.
Journal of General Education - Penn State Press - For faculty, administrators, and policymakers, JGE is the professional forum for discussing issues in general education today. JGE addresses the general education concerns of community colleges, four-year colleges, universities, and state systems.
Journal of Religion and Education - A journal of analysis and comment, with the purpose of advancing public understanding and dialogue on issues at the intersections of religion and education.
Journal of Research in Rural Education - A peer-reviewed, scholarly e-journal providing open access to original research relevant to rural education.
Liberal Education - Expresses the voices of educators, faculty and administrators in colleges and universities across the USA who are working to enrich liberal learning and undergraduate education.
Peer Review - Provides a quarterly briefing on emerging trends and key debates in undergraduate education. Each issue is focused on a specific topic. Published by the Association of American Colleges and Universities.
Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation - A peer-reviewed electronic journal whose purpose is to provide education professionals access to articles that can have a positive impact on assessment, research, evaluation, and teaching practice, especially at the local education agency (LEA) level.
Reading Online - A peer-reviewed journal of the International Reading Association (IRA). Focuses on literacy practice and research in classrooms serving students aged 5 to 18.
Science Education Review - A review of international science education literature for the primary and high school science teacher, plus resources for the science education classroom. Edited by Dr Peter H. Eastwell.
Spunti e ricerche - A refereed journal encouraging excellence in Italian Studies by providing a forum for scholarly research in Italian literature, arts and culture.
TCRecord.org: The Voice of Scholarship in Education - A peer-reviewed journal offering full-text articles from 1980-present. Thematic content collections, discussion groups, online learning modules, and book reviews.
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