- 04.06.2014
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Интернет ресурсы. Полезные ссылки.
Publications & Communications, Inc. (PCI) - Publisher of Cisco World, Sun Server, Unisys World, Professional Graphics World, Compaq Enterprise, and HP Chronicle magazines.
Scientific Computing - Computer technology for the scientific community, featuring new software, hardware and services, and related instrumentation, as well as the latest applications and techniques.
Smart Computing Magazine - Hardware and software reviews, tips to help improve computer performance, tips for all operating systems. Geared for beginner to intermediate users.
Transform Magazine - Practical, solutions-oriented editorial on products, technologies and strategies needed to buy and implement high-volume document/content management solutions. From CMP Media.
Ubiquity - An ACM IT-Magazine. Lists the articles in the current issue and provides discussion-forums.
West World Productions, Inc. - Publications covering enterprise storage and networking, connectivity, tape and optical media and the Internet.
Whatlaptop & Handheld PC - Dedicated to notebook computers, palmtops and handhelds.
Wired Magazine - Current and back issues, plus the Wired Index, and the Encyclopedia of the New Economy.
Wireless Journal - Editorials, feature articles, job listings and more geared to the wireless application development community.
XRDS: Crossroads - The student magazine of the Association for Computing Machinery; contains career advice, C++ and Java programming columns, and information on a variety of computer science topics.
InfoWorld: Top News - Technology news for enterprise IT. [RSS]
PC World: Latest Technology News - News and feature articles from the magazine. [RSS]
Wireless Journal - Latest articles. [RSS]
upFront.eZine - CAD industry news and analysis by Ralph Grabowski updated each week. Optional email delivery also available.
AEC Newsroom - News and information for the AEC related CAD marketplace, supplied online by Digitalmedianet.
AECbytes - Analysis, research, and reviews of AEC technology.
CAD User Magazine - A magazine focusing on the following CAD software: autocad, solid works, solid edge, microstation, turbocad, intellicad, helix, microcadam, tri-forma, mechanical desktop, and architectural desktop.
CADInfo.Net - Online CAD publication featuring industry news, product reviews, articles, tutorials and resource directories.
Cadalyst - Offering news items, reviews, articles, and features, along with downloadable AutoLISP source code.
Computer-Aided Design and Applications - A peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to the applications of CAD technology in areas ranging from mechanical CAD to medicine, fashion and handicraft.
Desktop Engineering Magazine - Offers articles, news, buyers guide, career center, forums, and subscription based online access to the current issue.
DigitalCAD - An online community featuring daily news updates and resources for the CAD market, by digitalmedia.net.
Inside AutoCAD - A magazine for AutoCAD users from Eli Journals, with online viewing of articles, partly on pay-per-view basis.
Pro/E: The Magazine - An information source for users of the Pro/ENGINEER design software, used for product development in many industries.
Phrack - Digital hacking magazine.
2600 - The Hacker Quarterly - Printed American magazine dealing with hacking and phreaking.
BFi - Butchered From Inside is an electronic publication of free speech and distribution written by the Italian hacker community.
Hakin9 - Bi-monthly magazine offering in-depth looks at both attack and defense techniques and concentrates on difficult technical issues.
Make Magazine - Magazine that celebrates your right to tweak, hack, and bend any technology to your own will.
Radical Future - Downloadable eZine in PDF format focusing on computer hacking, freedom of speech, and political beliefs.
The Hackademy Journal - Subscription based quarterly printed magazine with technical articles about computer security and hacking.
Ars Technica - The PC enthusiast's resource. Power users and the tools they love, without computing religion.
ComputerWire - Provides news, reviews, research and analysis. Links to related resources, events guide and contact details.
Computing - Articles on communication, hardware and programming issues. Research library, forums and product locator.
Cyber Aspect - Offers software and hardware reviews and industry news.
Cyberpunks.org - A news portal about cyberpunk issues, including privacy, technology, future.
Freshnews - Headlines aggregated from several computer and technology news and discussion sites.
Geek.com - Technology news postings with discussion. Covers hardware, software, and gaming.
GeekNewz - Computer and internet news weblog with snippets and user comments.
Geeknews - News postings on software, hardware, gaming, and the Internet.
IT Research Library - Provides tools, techniques and research to help IT and business professionals make educated buying decisions.
ITBusiness.ca - Supplies news, product information and links, categorized by industry branches. Features announces of print publications of Transcontinental Media Inc.
Kickstartnews - Provides reviews of software, hardware and computer books for home, SOHO, education and small business computer users.
NewsFactor Network - The starting point for a network of technology news and information sites, including Wireless NewsFactor and CRM Daily.
Rediff On The Net: Infotech - Information and entertainment online, India infotech news and views, technology updates, information technology.
Savage News - Source for hardware, software, and gaming news in weblog format. Downloads and links.
Slashdot - Source for technology related news with a heavy slant towards Linux and Open Source issues.
SleepyEgg - Covers technology, software, hardware and games news with analysis and commentary. Forums offer help, advice and friendly discussion on all hardware, software, networking technology related issues.
Techdirt - News, commentary, and discussions on important or interesting high tech news and includes newsletters.
Technology News - Provides a public reference library with mainframe specifications and publishes an electronic newsletter, infoperspectives, crammed with facts, figures, charts, statistics and trend analysis.
Techtree.com - Daily news on technology, digital products and services in India.
Techweenies.com - News, product reviews, and software downloads on personal computing and home technology.
The Inquirer - European site for computer hardware news. Covers processors, graphics cards and major hardware providers.
The Register - Independent news, views, opinions and reviews on the latest in the IT industry. Offices in London, Edinburgh, San Francisco and Mountain View.
Webuser - Internet and technology news from the UK Internet magazine.
ABC News: Technology - Science and technology headlines. [RSS]
ComputerWire News - News, reviews, research, and analysis. [RSS]
Freshnews - Most clicked headlines. [RSS]
News Factor Network - Technology news and information. [RSS]
Slashdot - Source for technology related news with a slant towards Linux and Open Source issues. [RSS]
Topix: Computers - News about computers, collected from various sources on the web. [RSS]
Web User - Internet and technology news. [RSS]
Wired News: Computers - Daily news on computing, from the monthly magazine. [RSS]
Bulletin for Applied Computing and Information Technology - Published by New Zealand's NACCQ along with JACIT (The Journal for Applied Computing and Information Technology), BACIT provides a forum for work in progress and scholarly writings with a strong applied computing focus.
C Programming Trends - CProgrammingTrends is a free email newsletter from iEntry, Inc. Topics include ray tracing, .NET, C#, C++, and other areas of interest to professional programmers.
DDJ - Doctor Dobb's Journal - A classic programming magazine.
Embedded Systems Programming - A monthly magazine for engineers, programmers, and project leaders who build microcontroller and embedded microprocessor-based systems.
International Developer - A news site for software developers. Broad range of coverage, from embedded to enterprise. Also does business news, products. Is associated with Australian Developer Magazine (print publication).
MSDN Magazine - Microsoft's Magazine for Developer's.
Methods and Tools Newsletter - A free PDF and HTML based newsletter focusing on software development.
SD Times - Software Development, a BZ Media LLC publication.
Visual Systems Journal (VSJ) - The independent source for software developers focus on COM, Java, Visual Basic and Delphi, published on line and in print.
developer.* Magazine - Web-based magazine for software developers of all kinds, featuring articles, essays, and book reviews on a wide variety of topics, both technical and non-technical.
ACM Crossroads Security feature articles - ACM Crossroads is the student magazine of the Association for Computing Machinery. Crossroads has published several articles about computer security, as listed in this index.
CERT Coordination Center Vulnerability Database - Vulnerability Notes published by the CERT Coordination Center.
CSO (Chief Security Officer) Magazine - Provides information security executives with high-level information, best practices and strategic insight.
CSOinformer - Monthly newsletter targeted at people who need a strategic, multi-year view of the information security industry.
Cipher - the Electronic Newsletter of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Security and Privacy.
Computers at Risk: Safe Computing in the Information Age - Complete text of the book by the System Security Study Committee, National Research Council, U.S., that presents an agenda for developing nationwide policies and practices for computer security.
Crypto-Gram - Monthly e-mail newsletter written by Bruce Schneier. Back issues available on site.
Information Systems Security Journal - Monthly print magazine for information security managers and others responsible for the daily, efficient operation of security policies, procedures, standards, and practices.
Infosecurity Today Magazine - Focuses on the practical experiences of IT security professionals, provides analysis of current tends, and independent reporting.
Introduction to Network Security - A gentle introduction to the complex topic of network security. Geared especially toward those new to security, including end users and management.
Lenny Zeltser - Article examining the evolution of malicious agents by analyzing features and limitations of popular viruses, worms, and trojans, detailing the possibility of a new breed of malicious agents currently being developed on the Internet.
NIST Computer Security Resource Clearinghouse - The Computer Security Resource Clearinghouse (CSRC) is designed to collect and disseminate computer security information and resources to help users, systems administrators, managers, and security professionals better protect their data and systems.
Network Security Library - Windows, Unix, netware, WWW, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, security policy, books, papers, and articles.
SC Magazine - Online - Online counterpart to Secure Computing monthly magazine. Provides product reviews, solutions and articles for the systems security professional.
Selected Papers in Anonymity - A compilation of bibliographic references and links to influential papers relating to anonymity. Sorted by topic, date, and author.
The ISO 17799 Security Standard - Publication of ISO 17799 provided a milestone in the evolution of information security. This site provides background, information and resources on this important standard.
The Orange Book Site - Includes a summary of the DoD's "Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria" (Orange Book) - if you've ever wondered what a C2 security rating is, this is the place to find out.
Crypto-Gram - Monthly computer security newsletter written by Bruce Schneier. [RSS]
Advance News Magazines - Offering specialized magazines for professionals in all branches.
Apples For Health - Weekly consumer news e-zine on a variety of healthcare topics.
Baptist Memorial Online - Online magazine with articles on a variety of health topics.
Cattails - Health news and information for patients and visitors of Marshfield Clinic.
Etanica Medical Journal Review - Review of recent journal articles for patients.
Explore Publications - Magazines providing reliable information on holistic medicine, nutritional therapies, energy medicine, homeopathy and physics.
FDA Consumer Magazine - US government publication covering a variety of health topics, with a particular focus on medications, medical devices, and consumer protection. Searchable archives cover 1995 to present.
Good Medicine - Health ezine with articles, information and forums.
Health Media Ventures, Inc. - Presents articles from the print version, with searchable information on conditions, diseases and health advice.
Health Publications & Products - Portal to a monthly magazine and an online community for doctors, as well as a practice newsletter template and sales of compression garments. Western Australia.
HealthLeader - An online news service produced by the Office of Public Affairs of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. HealthLeader brings recent, reliable information to help people make better decisions about personal health.
Healthcare Review - Healthcare trade publication in New England serving decision makers across the entire continuum of care.
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