- 04.06.2014
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Интернет ресурсы. Полезные ссылки.
National Review Online - Up-to-the-minute conservative commentary on politics, news, and culture. Includes both NRO exclusives and articles from the parent print magazine founded by William F. Buckley, Jr.
Capitol Hill Blue - Daily political e-zine covering events inside the Beltway. News, opinion articles, and polls.
Chronicles - Paleoconservative magazine of American culture published by the Rockford Institute.
Conservative Monitor - Webzine for conservative news, views, and interviews.
Enter Stage Right - Politically conservative e-journal which promotes laissez-faire capitalism, individualism and freedom. ESR stresses a rational conservatism which sometimes leads it to support positions different from that of mainstream conservatism.
FrontPage Magazine - Published by the Center for the Study of Popular Culture. Contains David Horowitz's writings along with daily conservative pieces from newspapers and the Web.
Issues and Views - Magazine featuring black Americans who advocate self-help and business enterprise and the protection of constitutional rights in the tradition of Booker T. Washington.
MichNews.com - Features conservative columns, cartoons, and links relating to U.S. and international events.
New American - Magazine of the John Birch Society, providing in-depth reporting on U.S. and worldwide issues and events. Includes weekly features, back issue archive, and links to articles from other news sources.
Optimates: A Conservative Journal of Intellectual and Public Life - Primarily devoted to the conservation of intellectual standards and civic republicanism.
Policy Review - Public policy journal sponsored by the Hoover Institution. Current issue highlights, advertising information, masthead, and selected archives available.
The American Conservative - Print magazine launched by Patrick Buchanan featuring Old Right themes and critical of neoconservatism. Selected archived columns and articles as well as background and subscription and advertising information.
The American Spectator - Features opinions, reviews, and an interactive section, as well as archives of the monthly.
The Weekly Standard - Founded by William Kristol. Current cover story, selected feature article, and archives.
Tocquevillian - Conservative opinion and forum from a diverse group of writers. News digest.
Western Standard - A Western Canadian newsmagazine reporting on current events, politics, business and the arts. Features conservative and libertarian editorial columnists.
World - A high profile conservative Christian news/social issues magazine.
World and I - Reports monthly on current events in politics, the arts, and science. Published by the Washington Times.
MichNews.com - Conservative news and commentary. [RSS]
National Review Online - Up-to-the-minute conservative commentary on politics, news, and culture. [RSS]
Citizens for a Freer America - Offers solutions to problems for a conservative society. Includes links to historical documents, legislator records, columnists, and publications.
Common Sense With Steve Yuhas - Comprehensive conservative site encompassing daily news, commentary, and current issues.
Editorial Commentary From Christian Prophecy Viewpoint - Scripture based prophetic opinions on current events relating especially to the preservation of freedom, sustaining the Constitution and exposing the socialist, conspiratorial New World Order.
GOPUSA.com Illinois Editor - Information about David John Diersen, GOPUSA.com, Diersen Consulting, and the Milton Township (Illinois) GOP.
Holritz Report - Conservative observations and commentary from Bob Holritz.
Indy's Viewpoint - Conservative opinions on government, news, and current events.
Jerome Huyler - Author's official site, contains book reviews, biography, excerpts, articles, and contact information.
La Shawn Barber's Corner - Freelance writer and columnist with a Christian and conservative view point.
Leonard Horwin's Plain Talk - Newsletter which began in 1931. Includes archives and photo gallery.
Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic - Thoughts and opinions from a conservative, Republican, traditionalist, Secular Humanist atheist, including a biography, photos, likes and dislikes.
Mr.Wonderful Explains Politics - Conservative commentary and insights with links to various political organizations.
Official Website of Jason Saine - North Carolina conservative and free market activist. Includes personal and family information, views and commentary, and photo galleries.
Payton, Doug: Consider This! - Doug Payton's views on current issues, US elections, political terms, and popular culture.
Probush.com - Conservative opinion, facts, and perspective with a primary focus on George W. Bush.
Radical-Conservative.org - Strong conservative thoughts and opinions with links to a wide variety of Pro-NRA, Pro-Second-Amendment and Anti-Abortion sites and organizations.
Running for the Right - Conservative weblog based on American politics, law, government, personal, and other related topics.
Saving America - Weblog discusses job exportation, immigration, manufacturing, farming, and health care issues.
Scottbomb Online - A series of essays on current events and philosophy as well as links to conservative news sources.
Seasoned with Salt: Thinking about Life and Death - Christian conservative based commentary on a variety of topical issues.
Teri O'Brien, America's Reality Chick - Author, motivational speaker, and self-described recovering attorney. Articles on current events, favorite links and books, upcoming appearances and events.
The Bluecollar Conservative - Personal commentary and dispatches from a self-described conservative ordinary American.
The Capitalist Conservative Republican Homepage - Promoting the conservative platform via commentary, humor, quotations, and discussion.
The Ultimate Politically Incorrect Ranting Page - Airs points of view the author finds to be deemed politically unpopular and suppressed by liberal orthodoxy.
TheRipper.com - Personal site including quasi-political rants and opinions. Outside submissions welcome.
Turnabout - An introduction to restorationist or counterrevolutionary thought, with FAQs, analyses, discussions, links, and projects.
WeirdRepublic.com - Conservative perspectives on our current culture.
American Perspective - Political commentator from a self-identified mom.
American Politics | Political News | Commentary - Views on American politics, political news and commentary with a focus on Tea Party activism.
Ben Jones Almanac - Everyday observations from a Reagan conservative.
BrothersJudd Blog - Commentary on current events with a conservative slant by the Brothers Judd.
Brussels Journal - Weblog focusing on European and world affairs with a specialty in Belgian matters.
Capitol Commentary - Daily analysis of political topics from a conservative perspective.
Conservative News and Views - Commentary on the US Constitution, finance, politics and religion.
Conservative Refocus - A news and opinion website focused on delivering conservative news and original opinion pieces on current events.
Conservative Times - A multiuser discussion forum on conservatism, political philosophy, letters, culture, and history.
DBKP - Death by 1000 Papercuts - Conservative libertarian news, commentary and opinion.
Dullard Mush - News and commentary on politics in Nevada and elsewhere.
EveTushnet.com - An offbeat weblog, with archives, covering current issues from a conservative and Catholic view.
Fairly Conservative - Conservative commentary focused on Wisconsin.
Infidels Are Cool - A weblog mostly dedicated to coverage of Middle Eastern politics through American eyes.
KimPriestap: No-nonsense conservative opinion - Conservative analysis and commentary on politics and current events.
Liberty Ledger - A news and opinion site with a focus on analyzing the news from a conservative, and sometimes Libertarian, perspective.
Little Green Footballs - Weblog covering issues dear to both conservatives and US liberals.
Massachusetts Conservative Feminist - Degrees of Moderation and Sanity - Conservative feminist commentary from the state of Massachusetts.
Michelle Malkin - Conservative political commentary from a national columnist and cable news personality.
Military News and Information - This site provides insights in the successes of our troops. It also provides various military links and information. Learn about the heroes of our time. Learn about the American wars and how we won them. Get the real scoop on Iraq.
No Oil for Pacifists - This weblog is written by a conservative with a sense of humor who often posts insightful links with a needed dose of hilarity.
Nuke's News and Views - This weblog covers current events, the news of the day, and opinion from a conservative perspective.
Oraculations - Opinions on current events.
Outside the Beltway - Opinion and social commentary from a conservative perspective.
Patriot Statesman - Conservative commentary on topics ranging from politics and culture to religion and family.
Power Line - Weblog written by John H. Hinderaker and Scott W. Johnson covering income taxes, campaign finance and welfare reform, affirmative action, race in the criminal justice system and conservative politics.
Redstate - Conservative commentary and analysis of current events with an emphasis on judicial opinions.
Scragged - Essays on politics, socio-economics, bureaucracy and government.
Snapped Shot - A weblog that covers photojournalism from a political perspective.
South Dakota War College - Coverage of all things in South Dakota politics.
StateBrief - Opinion on news and politics with a focus on Arizona.
Sweetness and Light - Weblog featuring U.S. and international news and analysis from a conservative perspective.
Texas GOP Vote - Republican political news and analysis in Texas.
The Atheist Conservative - A weblog written by atheist conservative writer Jillian Becker.
The Cranky Housewife - Political blog focusing on conservative feminist values from a midwestern point of view.
The Daily Blogster - Features political, religious and military opinion, news and links.
The Political Commentator - Conservative commentary and opinion on current issues in U.S. politics and foreign policy.
The Silent Majority - Conservative news and commentary focused on Washington politics.
The Unalienable Right - Daily commentary from the editors of American Federalist Journal
Theme of Absence - Weblog for news items and political commentary from an independent yet conservative view.
View from the Right - Weblog offering news, commentary and philosophical reflections from an antimodern traditionalist conservative perspective.
Virginia Right - Conservative political blog focused in part on the state of Virginia.
Vodkapundit - Stephen Green's writer and investors conservative political journal.
Whale Oil Beef Hooked - Conservative political commentary focused on New Zealand.
A Politically In-Correct Stop Over on the Information Stupid Highway - A generalized rant on political correctness.
Blog Arundel - A weblog dedicated to exploring political, social, and environmental issues in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
Daley Planet - Personal website of planetary patriot Tad Daley. Ideas for preventing genocide and another 9-11.
FWF- The Free World Forum - Young, under-21 year olds discussion of various political philosophies.
Foxnews Folies - Critical commentary on FoxNews.
Friends don't let friends... - The Origin of Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Democrat and Republican.
Herman, Edward S: Political commentaries - Political economist and radical commentator comments on world events, media complicity and media bias from a Progressive perspective.
Hogan, Hunter - HunterThinks.com - Provides his analysis and commentary of major World events with a focus on non-violence, equal treatment, and freedom.
OPED - Short Opinion Pieces - OPED pieces on topics of current interest in economics, politics, terrorism, and security.
Power, Violence and Poverty - Essays on power and its relationship to violence, poverty and social change.
Sand in the Gears - Weblog featuring Tony Woodlief's humorous short takes on politics, life, and American culture.
The Minute Man Page - Lists the author's concerns about the U.S. federal government and the loss of freedom through war and emergency powers.
The Rant: Political Writings from a Wal-Mart Hating Notre Dame Populist - Commentary on Wal-Mart, the ills of American society, and various other issues.
The World According to Bill Fisher - Articles on international development, foreign policy, human rights, geopolitics, and journalism.
Affect: A Journal for Alternative Social Comment - A journal that bridges academia and journalism, run by undergraduates and graduates at the University of Oxford.
American Journal of Political Science - Covers research in such areas as American politics, public policy, international relations and comparative politics. Published on behalf of the Midwest Political Science Association.
American Political Science Review - Areas covered include political theory, American politics, public policy and international relations. Published for the American Political Science Association.
American Politics Research - Promotes and disseminates research in all areas of American politics. Studies concerning American political behavior, political parties, public opinion, legislative behavior, courts and the legal process, executive and administrative politics, public policy.
British Journal of Political Science - A broadly based journal aiming to cover developments across a wide range of countries and specialisms, with contributions drawn from all fields of political science and related disciplines.
British Journal of Politics and International Relations - BJPIR is a refereed journal published under the auspices of the Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom. Electronic access from vol.1 (1999)
Canadian Journal of Political Science - Revue canadienne de science politique - Quarterly journal of political science, published jointly by CPSA/Acsp and Sqsp. Electronic version from vol. 33 (2000).
Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques - Quarterly journal of domestic economic and social policy published by the University of Toronto Press. Searchable abstract archive, previews, editorial board and sponsor information, and submission and advertisement guidelines offered.
Critical Review - An interdisciplinary journal of politics and society. Electronic version from vol. 1 (1986).
Japanese Journal of Political Science - Journal of Japan and East Asia politics. Electronic version from vol. 1 (2000).
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